Define - IMS Interface Details

From the Define - Interfaces: IMS page, click Add or double-click an existing IMS interface, and then the IMS Interface Details page is displayed.

The following table describes the items that are available on the IMS Interface Details page:

Item Description
Name Type an IMS interface name.
Description Type a short description for the IMS interface.
Interface ID Type the interface identifier, which is the internal interface name for Substation ES.
XCF Member Name Type the XCF member name.
TPIPE Name Type a one- to eight-character OTMA Named transaction pipe (Tpipe) name, which is analogous to LTERM. It is a logical structure that represents an anchor point for Substation ES transactions and output.

You must specify this value.

TPIPE Prefix Type a one- to five-character OTMA Named transaction pipe (Tpipe) name, which is analogous to LTERM. It is a logical structure that represents an anchor point for Substation ES transactions and output.

You must specify this value.

Output Interface Type an output interface, or click the icon to select one.
IMS Endpoint Type an IMS endpoint, or click the icon to select one.
In the TPIPE Name for trigger services area, the following items are available:

Type a one- to sixteen-character Substation ES IMS Interface Guaranteed trigger destination name. This value is used by IMS to reroute messages through OTMA to the Substation ES IMS Interface. When applications reroute or insert messages that are intended for Substation ES to an alternate PCB, specify this name as LTERM. No default value is available for this field.


Type a one- to sixteen-character Substation ES IMS Interface reliable trigger destination name. This value is used by IMS applications to reroute messages using OTMA to the Substation ES IMS Interface. If applications reroute or insert messages that are intended for Substation ES to an alternate PCB, specify this name as LTERM. No default value is available for this field.

Sync Call-out

Type a one- to sixteen-character Substation ES IMS Interface synchronous call-out destination name. This value is used by IMS to route synchronous call-out transactions through OTMA to EMS or Rendezvous. This value must match a destination-type entry in IMS parameter member DFSYDTx. TIBCO supplies a sample DFSYDT0 in USERHLQ.PROC.

IMS Commit Mode Select whether the IMS transactions processed by Substation ES are coded as commit 0 or commit 1. This value is passed on in each of the transactions.
Workers In the ESB Request/Reply field, enter the number of concurrent OTMA client subtasks that are started to service Substation ES IMS requests.

In the Service: Trigger field, enter the number of concurrent OTMA trigger sessions that will be started to service Substation ES requests.

In the OTMA Settings panel, the following items are available:
Initialization Type a value (in seconds) in the range 1 - 30. This value denotes the maximum time that the Substation ES IMS Interface waits during XCF initialization and for the OTMA server to be contacted before issuing an error.

The default value is 2.


Type a value (in seconds) in the range 1 - 10. This value denotes the maximum time that the Substation ES IMS Interface waits for a NACK response from the IMS Server on a RESUME TPIPE command issued during interface initialization.

The default value is 2.

Message Type a value (in seconds) in the range 1 - 600. This value denotes the maximum time that the Substation ES IMS Interface waits for a response from the IMS Server for transactions or commands before issuing a timeout.

The default value is 30.

Transaction In the Buffer Allocation Values - Transaction field, type the number of buffers that send transaction or command information to IMS. This value must be at least equal to that of the IMS Interface WORKERS parameter.

Valid values for this field are in the range 16 - 128.

The default value is 20.

In the Buffer Size Value - Transaction field, type the length of data buffers for gathering and receiving IMS data. The value must be equal to the largest data area being transferred to and from IMS. Normally, the value of the Buffer Size Value - SRB parameter must be equal to the value specified here.

Valid values for this field are in the range 4096 - 4 MB.

The default value is 4096.

SRB In the Buffer Allocation Values - SRB field, type the number of buffers used by the OTMA interface service request blocks (SRBs) to communicate with IMS and the OTMA server.

This value must be about three times that of the BUFF-TRANS parameter.

Valid values for this field are in the range 32 - 1024.

The default value is 64.

In the Buffer Size Value - SRB field, type the buffer length used in the SRB routines. The value is advised to be equal to or greater than the most frequently used IOPCB size of your IMS transactions, or the size of your data area for ICAL operations.

Valid values for this field are in the range 4096 - 4 MB.

The default value is 4096.

Note: IMS does not support segments larger than 32K. As a result, a value between 32K and 64K is not currently suggested.
Group In the Buffer Allocation Values - Group field, type the number of buffers for communicating with the XCF group.

Valid values for this field are in the range 8 - 64.

The default value is 8.

In the Buffer Size Value - Group field, type the length of buffers used in the communication with the XCF and XCF group and members. The default value must be sufficient unless the XCF group is very large.

Valid values for this field are in the range 512 - 65536 (64 KB).

The default value is 2048 (2 KB).

Loopback: This item is used in a QA and testing environment by TIBCO Support to determine whether the messages received by Substation ES are passed through to the CICS Region.
It can be set to Yes or No.
Note: Do not change this value unless requested by TIBCO Support.
Trace Level: Trigger

Enter the trace level of the IMS interface when tracing trigger entries that pass through the interface,


  • Level 1 only traces an entry in the log file.
  • Level 2 dumps the buffer content in the trace file into the log file.
  • Level 3 includes all details from trigger processes in the trace file.
  • A value of 0 disables tracing of trigger entries on the IMS Interface.

The default value is 0.

Trace Level OTMA Enter the tracing level for components of the OTMA interface that are located in the IMS interface.

This value can also be dynamically changed by means of Substation ES operational commands. A value of 0 produces minimal messages, and a value of 5 includes snaps of control blocks and data. For best results, set it to 2.