SS-ES Ops: Console

You can use the SS-ES Ops: Console page to run the Substation ES operational commands.

Note: A connection must be established before you use this function.

The following table describes the items that are available on the SS-ES Ops: Console page:

Item Description
Command Type a Substation ES operational command, or click the icon to select a command from the list.
Output - Connection Name Select a connection from the list.
Enable Click this button to enable the selected recipe or trigger.
Disable Click this button to disable the selected recipe or trigger.
Suspend Click this button to suspend the selected recipe.
Refresh Click this button to refresh the selected recipe or trigger.
all ESB Select this check box to execute the ENABLE, DISABLE, SUSPEND, or REFRESH command, as applicable, for all the ESB interfaces that pertain to the recipe or trigger that you want to select in the lower-right pane.