TIBCO Documentation and Support Services

Documentation for this and other TIBCO products is available on the TIBCO Documentation site. This site is updated more frequently than any documentation that might be included with the product. To ensure that you are accessing the latest available help topics, visit:


Product-Specific Documentation

The following document for this product can be found on the TIBCO Documentation site:

  • TIBCO® Mashery Local Installation and Configuration Guide
TIBCO Mashery Professional customers will not have access to all of the features documented here. The following is a list of capabilities that are not available and as such will not be visible within the API Control Center for these customers:
  • Distributed API Management (managing Organizations)
  • Enriched Call Log Export
  • HTTPS Client Profiles
  • Mashery Local (Deploy)
  • Event Triggers

Additionally, TIBCO Mashery Professional customers will not have access to the Mashery V2 API and as such will be able to use only the OAuth2 Accelerator feature.

Additionally, TIBCO Mashery Professional includes 8M QPM (Queries per month) and all traffic purchased is limited to a max of 100 QPS (Queries per second). TIBCO Mashery Professional customers can create a max of 25 APIs and 25 packages.

How to Contact TIBCO Support

For comments or problems with this manual or the software it addresses, contact TIBCO Support:

  • If you already have a valid maintenance or support contract, visit this site:


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