Running the Debug Utility

Execute the following command to run the debug utility:
$ python /opt/mashery/utilities/
The following options are available. Some options are available to be run only on Master and some only on Slave.
Select from the following:
1: Collect Logs
2: Test connectivity to Cloud Sync
3: Show Slave Status
4: Check IP address
5: Update record or Master IP address in Master (Master IP address has changed and registration of new Slave with cluster fails)
6: Fix slave corruption (Restart slave at last valid read position)
7: Update record of Master IP address in old Slave node (Master IP address has changed and cluster is not updated)
8: System manager (Remove non-functional or unused slaves form Master)
9: Collect system state (Disk health, process health, time setting, network settings)
menu: Show this menu
exit: Quit
Note: For option 9: Collect system state, the resulting files for this option are created in the home directory, depending on the login users (root/administrator).