Configuring JMX Reporting Access

You can enable the JMX service to allow you to monitor Mashery Local using the Java Management Extension. In addition to the standard MBeans exposed by JMX, the list of TIBCO Mashery-specific components and metrics that are exposed are:
  • Jetty: Metrics exposed are Connections, Open connections, Thread pool low threads, Thread pool max threads, Thread pool min threads, Thread pool spawn or shrink
  • DB Connection Pools: Metrics exposed are Active Connections, Timeout
  • Memcache Connection Pools: Metrics exposed are Active connections, Connection Timeout, Max Reconnect Delay
  • HTTP Connection Pools: Metrics exposed are Number of connections

To enable and configure the JMX Service, follow the instructions below:


  1. Click Account Settings.

  2. In the Mashery Local API Settings section, enable/configure the following fields to turn on JMX service:
    • Enable Java Management Extension (JMX) Service
    • User Name and Password: You need to enter a username and password to access the service.
  3. Download the server certificate to your local machine using the link provided on the same configuration screen:
  4. On your local computer, import the certificate to a new trust store. Use an arbitrary trust store password; for example, trustpassword.
    keytool -import -file ~/Downloads/mashery-proxy.cer -keystore mashery-proxy-jmxremote.jks 
  5. Launch JConsole with the newly-created trust store.
  6. In JConsole, connect to the Mashery Local node to monitor by specifying its IP address (the second or private interface) and port 8084. Enter the credentials specified in the Admin console. For example: apiuser/apipassword.

    You should be successfully connected and able to monitor the node.