How to Use NFS for Verbose Log

To use NFS for verbose log:
  1. Mount the NFS to a host directory, for example, /mnt/nfs.

  2. Add the volume mapping in the docker-compose.yml file under the services:/ml-tm:/volumes, for example:

    - /mnt/nfs:/var/log/tm_verbose_log

    Note: Use the same indent as the existing entry - mldata:/mnt.
  3. Execute
    docker-compose down
  4. Execute
    docker-compose up -d
  5. Modify the UI to set the Verbose Logs Location to /var/log/tm_verbose_log but leave the flag Use NFS unchecked.
  6. Enable the verbose log.
  7. Execute
    docker exec -it ml-tm nohup service
    javaproxy restart