Installing and Running Mashery Local for Docker using OpenShift in Azure Cloud

The following section describes how to deploy Mashery Local for Docker on OpenShift Container Platform (3.6) in Azure Cloud. The section assumes that the OpenShift cluster is ready for deployment in Azure and the cluster has the required number of application nodes with desired configurations. You will need to have cluster admin or system admin role to execute these commands. The general steps involve:
  1. Creating an OpenShift cluster in Azure.
  2. Deployment of Mashery Local once the cluster is up and running.
  3. Post-deployment steps.

1. Create OpenShift Cluster in Azure

This step assumes that your OpenShift cluster has already been created and configured.

2. Deployment

  1. Get the OpenShift Console URl. If you have used any Microsoft template to create the cluster in Azure, you can get the URL by running the following command. Replace the value of template name and resource group as needed:
    az group deployment show --name Microsoft.Template --resource-group mlOpenshiftrg | grep ""
  2. Download and extract Mashery Local Docker edition. Load the images in local docker host if it is not loaded.
    docker load -i ml-core.tar.gz
    docker load -i ml-db.tar.gz
    docker load -i ml-mem.tar.gz
    Note: Use Docker version 4.1 or higher.
  3. Navigate to the folder <Absolute path>/TIB_mash-local_<ML-version>_docker/examples/openshift/.
  4. Login into OpenShift using the following command, replacing the URL, user and enter password as appropriate:
    oc login -u clusteradmin --insecure-skip-tls-verify
  5. Create a new project, such as mloc41, as shown below. You can also create the project from the console.
    oc new-project mloc41
  6. Make sure you are working under the required project by executing the below command. It assumes project name is mloc41. Change this name as needed.
    oc project mloc41
  7. Provide user privileged access under the current project. Execute the following command:
    oc adm policy add-scc-to-user privileged -n mloc41 -z default
  8. Get the Docker registry host name. This will be used for pushing the images which are used during deployment. If you are using default registry that is deployed with the OpenShift cluster, it could be like Use this registry host name and project name to tag Mashery Local Docker images. In the file, ML_REGISTRY_NAME should be the working project's name and ML_REGISTRY_HOST will be Docker registry host's name.
  9. Source environment variables for deployment in the current working session. Modify the variables (such as ML_REGISTRY_NAME, ML_REGISTRY_HOST, ML_IMAGE_TAG, ML_DB_STORAGE_SIZE etc.) in the file as desired and execute the following command:
    Make sure your present working directory is the location specified in step 3.
    The following is a sample file for
    # Openshift environment variables
    #export GCP_DEFAULT_REGION=us-west1-a
    export AZURE_DEFAULT_REGION=uswest
    #export PATH=/usr/local/Cellar/kubernetes-cli/bin:.:$PATH
    # Kubernetes environment variables
    export KUBERNETES_PROVIDER=azure
    # Mashery Local custom environment variables
    export HTTP_ENABLED=true
    export HTTP_PORT=80
    export HTTPS_ENABLED=false
    export HTTPS_PORT=443
    export OAUTH_ENABLED=false
    # If NTP_SERVER_ADDRESS is specifed, the NTP is enabled; Otherwise disabled.
    export NTP_SERVER_ADDRESS=""
    # ML docker image tag (Note: The revision number is incremented after each build)
    export ML_IMAGE_TAG="v4.1.1.0"
    # Number of ML slave instances
    export ML_SLAVE_COUNT=1
    export ML_STORAGE_TYPE=pd-standard
    # Storage size for config data and logs
    # Storage size for databse data
    export ML_DB_STORAGE_SIZE=2Gi
    # Docker registry name for ML images
    export ML_REGISTRY_NAME="mloc41"
  10. Next, login into the registry to push the images. This step must be completed successfully before proceeding further.
    docker login -u clusteradmin -p $(oc whoami -t) <REGISTRY_HOST>
    Sample command:
    docker login -u clusteradmin -p $(oc whoami -t)
  11. Upload the images into the registry by executing the following script:
    Make sure images are pushed successfully with the desired version. You can verify images on the OpenShift console or by executing the following command:
    oc get is
    A sample output is shown below:

    Note: The customer may use different registry as needed. It is customer's responsibility to make sure they are able to run Docker login and Docker push commands successfully.
  12. Create a registry secret named "mlregistrykey" using below command. This name is fixed.
    oc secrets new-dockercfg mlregistrykey --docker-server=<DOCKER_REGISTRY> --docker-username=<CLUSTER_USER_NAME> --docker-password=$(oc whoami -t) --docker-email=<ANY_VALID_EMAIL>
    Sample command below:
    oc secrets new-dockercfg mlregistrykey --docker-username=clusteradmin --docker-password=$(oc whoami -t)
    Note: This secret is based on authentication token, so it will expire as per OpenShift policy. Mashery recommends running this command before a new deployment. If this secret exists, delete it from OpenShift console manually and then execute the step.
  13. Execute the following script to store MOM host and key as Kubernetes "Secret". MOM HOST is not required for Production deployment.
    ./ create <MOM key> <MOM secret>
    If you have enabled HTTPS or OAuth, please run the following scripts respectively.
    ./ <create|replace|delete> <server certificate file name> <server certificate password>
    For the first argument in the above command, use "create" for the first time, then use "replace" for subsequent changes.
    ./ <create|replace|delete> <OAuth authorization user> <OAuth authorization user password>
    For the first argument in the above command, use "create" for the first time, then use "replace" for subsequent changes.
  14. Create storage classes for Mashery Local for Docker persistent stores.
  15. Create Mashery Local Traffic Manager service and Mashery Local Master service.
  16. Deploy Mashery Local master instance.
    If everything goes well, it might take up to 10 minutes for all the containers to be ready. You can check the Mashery Local instance pods with the command:
    oc get pods
    The Mashery Local master pod has a name similar to ml-master-<name>. When it is fully up, you should see 4/4 under the READY column with STATUS "Running" for the master instance pod.
    You can check the startup init instance log with the following command:
    oc exec -ti `kubectl get pods |grep ml-master |cut -d " " -f 1` -c ml-cm -- cat /var/log/mashery/init-instance.log
    You can get into any ML master instance container with the following command:
    oc exec -ti `oc get pods |grep ml-master |cut -d " " -f 1` -c <container name> -- /bin/bash
  17. Deploy Mashery Local slave instances.
    You can check the Mashery Local instance pods with the command:
    oc get pods

The Mashery Local slaves instance pods are named with ml-slave-0, ml-slave-1, ml-slave-2. When it is fully up, you should see 4/4 under the READY column with STATUS "Running" for the slave instance pod.

You can also verify the status on the OpenShift console.

3. Post-Deployment

In an OpenShift environment, there are many ways to expose services to the outside world. (Refer to for more information.) For Mashery, assigning external IP worked for best in Azure. So you need to manually create a public IP and assign it to the one of the application nodes. In Azure, after creating the public IP, you need to associate the IP to the network interface of one of the application nodes in the cluster, which eventually binds to one of the nodes. Follow the steps below to achieve this.

  1. Create a static public IP address. On the Azure portal, click on All Services, then choose Public IP addresses under the Networking section. Click Add in the Public IP Addresses panel and fill in the data below the screen, then click Create.

  2. Associate this IP with one of application nodes. Choose the public IP address created in previous step in the Public IP Address panel and then click on the Associate tab to get the following screen. You can get the name of the desired node by accessing the pod on the OpenShift console. Click OK in the Associate public IP Address panel after you choose the desired node.

  3. Open port 5480 on the desired node to access the cluster manage UI. Navigate to Public IP Address<your public IP address>. Click on the link under Virtual machine; click on Networking and then Add inbund port rule. Fill in the data in the following screen, then click OK.

  4. Once you have the public IP, patch the ml-traffic-manager service with this external IP. Execute the following example command.
    oc patch svc ml-traffic-manager -p '{"spec":{"externalIPs":[""]}}'
    If you have multiple public IPs for load balancing, you can pass those IPs in the array.
  5. Once done, you can test the traffic as shown in the following example command.
    curl -v -H 'Host:' ''
    You should get the expected response from the API configuration.

    The Mashery Local UI is also accessible as shown below.

Note: These post-deployment steps will be different in different cloud (AWS, GCP, etc.) or non-cloud (private DC) deployments. These steps apply only for Azure.