Configuring the Load Balancer

TIBCO Mashery recommends using a Load Balancer to best utilize the cluster, although this is not required because you may route your API traffic directly to each instance.

Each instance hosts a service called /mashping. Configure the Load Balancer to access the following address, without the host header:

http://<IP_address_of_instance>/mashping or http://<hostname>/mashping

If the Load Balancer and the cluster is working correctly, /mashping returns the following response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: Mashery Proxy
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
Transfer-Encoding: chunked

If /mashping returns any other response, then the load balancer should remove the instance from the cluster and either retry after a period of time or alert operations to investigate.

Mashery Local has two instance types: Master and Slave. Should the Load Balancer pull the Master out of the cluster pool, an Operations engineer should immediately investigate whether it can be recovered, and, if not, promote a Slave to Master. Taking offending Slaves out of rotation through the Load Balancer can mitigate any traffic impact. If no Master exists in the pool, data synchronization with the Mashery Cloud Service will not occur with the exception of API event activity. Access Tokens, Keys, Applications, Classes and Services will not be synchronized.
Note: For steps on how to promote a Slave to Master, see Promoting a Slave to Master.