Hardware and Software Requirements

The following table describes the required hardware and software products and their purpose.
Mashery Local Hardware and Software Requirements
Requirement Description
  • Must have VMware ESXi (5.x or greater) installed, configured and running.
  • Must have at minimum 4GB of RAM and 80GB of disk space per VM Instance.
  • Must have 1 Gbps Network connection.
TIBCO Mashery Local Virtual Appliance
Minimum Requirements:
  • 4 virtual CPU
  • 4GB RAM
  • 80GB hard drive space
  • 2 Virtual Network Interfaces (External eth0/Internal eth1). See the best practice recommendation in step 12 of Deploying the Mashery Local OVF Template regarding recommended roles for eth0 and eth1.
  • For automatic configuration, both network interfaces must have DHCP running on them.
    Note: You can also configure the IP address manually by logging in via the console, editing /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0, editing /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1, and then performing a service network restart.
  • Masters and Slave must all be on the same virtual network on the internal interface.
    Note: It is not recommended to run both the master and slave nodes in the same ESXi host. In addition to availability issues, there are some processes with high IO usage that can cause temporary performance impacts for all VMs on the host.

    Registering a new slave node causes a performance impact on all nodes running on the same VM host. This is because there is a fortnightly database backup that impacts performance of the master node and any slaves on the same VM host. The performance impact exists for this operation, even when the master and slave nodes are on separate VM hosts.

Web Console Configuration
  • Must have IE 8 or later, Chrome, Safari, or Firefox to perform the web console configuration on the Mashery Cluster Manager UI within Mashery Local.
  • Necessary services and API keys have been configured in your Developer Administration Dashboard. Necessary services and API keys include service definitions in the API Settings area of the product and then the API Keys for developers to make API calls. Service definitions for Mashery define the API endpoints. The keys give you access to the endpoints.
  • Mashery Client Service Management (CSM) must have enabled your service to include Mashery Local and provided you a Cloud Key and Secret. For more information, contact TIBCO Support.
VMI Bundle from Mashery Mashery CSM has provided the Mashery Local download link.