Administrator Commands for Custom Sync

Mashery Local users with an Administrative role have the ability to perform a one-time, customized OAuth2 Token sync. To perform the one-time, customized sync:
  1. Login to Mashery Local Linux console as administrator.
  2. Issue a token sync command using the following parameters:
    Parameter Description
    tokensLastPushed <minutes> Uploads local tokens that were updated, starting from the time that the command was issued, minus <x> minutes ago. The number of minutes specified must be greater than 0 (zero) and less than 259,200 (180*24*60 minutes/180 days).

    For example, running the command tokensLastModified 10 at noon will upload any local tokens that were updated from a starting time of 11:50 am to any time after that.

    tokensLastModified <minutes> Downloads tokens, starting from the time that the command was issued, minus <x> minutes ago. The number of minutes specified must be greater than 0 (zero) and less than 259,200 (180*24*60 minutes/180 days).

    For example, running the command tokensLastPushed 5 at noon will download any tokens that were updated from a starting time of 11:55 am to any time after that.

    Note: Entering an invalid number causes a NumberFormatException, and will default to 0 (minutes ago). A number greater than 259,200 (180*24*60 minutes/180 days) will default to 259,200 (180*24*60 minutes/180 days).
    For example, the following command uploads local tokens which are updated from 5 minutes ago, and download tokens which are updated from 10 minutes ago:
    /opt/javaproxy/proxy/onpremloader --tokens --tokensLastModified 10 --tokensLastPushed 5 --env production