Installing and Configuring Configuration Manager

Configuration Manager is a single-user application that can be installed on a desktop or a server, and accessed using a browser.
Note: Having multiple users using it concurrently can corrupt the configuration data.

The Configuration Manager itself does not provide version management or long term storage of the configuration file, as it may be located on a machine which may be spun down. We recommend utilizing your company's own repository to handle version control, backups, etc.

Supported Platforms to Run Configuration Manager

  • 64-bit Windows
  • 64-bit MacOS X
  • 64-bit Linux
Configuration Manager can be installed on a server or desktop.
Latest versions of:
  • Safari
  • Firefox
  • Chrome
  • Internet Explorer
  1. Select mlconfig-darwin-amd64 from the ~\tml-config-mgr\ directory.
  2. Rename the file to mlconfig and change the permission to execute using:
    chmod +x mlconfig
  3. Copy the Configuration Manager binary to a predetermined folder.
  1. Select mlconfig-windows-amd64 from the ~\tml-config-mgr\ folder.
  2. Copy the Configuration Manager executable to a predetermined folder.
Open a terminal Window and navigate to the folder where the configuration manager binary or executable is located.
  • To start the server on default port 5000, enter:
    > mlconfig
  • To start the server on a port other than 5000, such as 3000, enter:
    > mlconfig --port 3000
Note: You can also run configuration manager as a background process using appropriate OS tools, if you have the authorization to do so.