Importing Configuration Data into Mashery Local 5.0 Zones

The exported configuration data file from the previous step (Exporting Configuration Data) must be imported into each Mashery Local 5.0 zone.
Note: The Mashery Local Configuration Manager loader expects the file to be called
There are two ways to import the configuration data:
  • Option 1: Synchronize configuration data from Mashery On-premises Manager (MOM)
    TIBCO Mashery Local offers the capability to sync data from an active MoM host at the time of cluster creation. To load the data using the MoM sync configuration, specify the following three properties in the tm_sql_properties.json:
    "mom-host": "<MOM_HOST>",
    "apiKey": "<MOM_API_KEY>",
    "apiSecret": "<MOM_API_SECRET>",
    The tm_sql_properties.json is located in the tm-deploy/properties/ folder.
    Note: Do not place the sample in the tm-deploy/properties/ folder if you are loading the data using the MoM sync configuration.
  • Option 2: After the ML 5.0 cluster is setup, the API definitions can be modified using the Configuration Manager, exported and re-imported into the cluster. The new should be copied into the running SQL container. The sample commands below cover the docker swarm deployment or Kubernetes deployment:
    1. docker cp /Downloads/ sqlstack_sql.1.
    2. kubectl cp /Downloads/ mysql-set-0-0:/var/lib/mysql/
    After the file is copied into the SQL container, the file will be picked up the On-prem Loader process in its next periodic run. To ensure that the On-prem Loader immediately picks up the new file for processing, run the following command, inside the SQL container:
    [root@105ad1cbad5e mysql]# service jetty restart