Prerequisites for Deployment on AKS using Kubernetes

Prerequisite for Linux

All needed tools are pre-installed in tm-installer.

Prerequisite for MacOS

The Administrator must have the following tools installed in MacOS:
  • kubectl (v1.10.2)
    curl -LO
    chmod +x kubectl
    mv kubectl /usr/local/bin
  • jq
    1. First, install brew:
      ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL" < /dev/null 2> /dev/null
    2. Then, install jq:
      brew install jq
  • Azure CLI Client (2.0.29)

    This is the minimum version required. Make sure you have Azure CLI Client installed ( before you proceed.

Azure Account with Full Access

Make sure you have an Azure account with full access. Also, have your local Docker environment ready.
  • Docker for Linux: Docker environment is prepared in tm-installer.
  • Docker for MacOS: The Administrator must have native Docker or docker-machine installed on MacOS. Ensure that you install a stable release (17.12.0).