Deploying a New Cluster on GCP using Kubernetes

Files to modify

In the Installer container, change to the following folder:
There are two reference deployment manifests:
  • "manifest-single-zone.json" for deployment in single zone
  • "manifest-multi-zones.json" for deployment in multiple zones

Customize Kubernetes Cluster

Since Kubernetes clusters could be set up in many different ways and they can be shared by many applications, it is the Administrator's responsibility to have the cluster set up and be ready for deployment.

Note for MacOS: If you have already installed minikube or kubetctl before, it's better to remove those to do a clean install (remove any trace of previous Kubernetes installation):
  • remove/rename the kubectl
  • remove/rename ~/.kube
  • remove/rename ~/.ssh kube*
The following settings should be customized:
"tml_cluster_name": "Tibco Mashery Local Reference Cluster",

"k8s_gcp_zones": ["us-west1-a", "us-west1-b", "us-west1-c"],

Customize TIBCO Mashery Local Cluster

Note: IMPORTANT! Before you customize your TIBCO Mashery Local cluster, make sure the tml_image_tag matches your Docker image build. For example, to verify "tml_image_tag": "v5.0.0.1", you can check the Docker image build in Jenkins as shown below:

The following settings can be customized:
Note: The tml_image_tag must be updated to match your docker image build.
"tml_image_tag": "v5.0.0.1",

"tml_image_registry_host" : "",

"tml_image_repo": "mashery-cloud-operations",

"tml_cm_count": 1,

"tml_tm_count": 2,

"tml_cache_count": 1,

"tml_sql_count": 1,

"tml_log_count": 1,

"tml_nosql_count": 1,

"tml_sql_storage_size": "10Gi",

"tml_log_storage_size": "10Gi",

"tml_nosql_storage_size": "10Gi",

"tml_tm_http_enabled": "true",

"tml_tm_http_port": 80,

"tml_tm_https_enabled": "false",

"tml_tm_https_port": 443,

"tml_tm_oauth_enabled": "false",

"cassandra_max_heap": "512M",

"cassandra_replication_factor": 2
Single Zone Deployment Multiple Zone Deployment
tml_cm_count Number of Cluster Manager Containers Number of Cluster Manager Containers per zone
tml_tm_count Number of Traffic Manager Containers Number of Traffic Manager Containers per zone
tml_cache_count Number of Memcached Containers Number of Memcached Containers per zone
tml_sql_count Number of MySQL Containers Number of MySQL Containers per zone
tml_log_count Number of Log Service Containers Number of Log Service Containers per zone
tml_nosql_count Number of Cassandra Containers Number of Cassandra Containers per zone

Setting up Mashery Service Configuration Data

Mashery Local offers the option of importing service configuration data offline. A sample is provided with the TIBCO Mashery Local build that can be loaded into the database during TIBCO Mashery Local cluster creation.

To load the sample data:
  1. Copy the sample (located at tmgc-deploy/sample_data/ into the tmgc-deploy/properties/ folder.
  2. This ensures that the data from the will be automatically loaded in the database when the TIBCO Mashery Local cluster is created.
Note: Make sure that the apiKey and apiSecret is empty in the tml_sql_properties.json in the tmgc-deploy/properties/ folder if you want to use the offline data loading feature. Default is blank.
TIBCO Mashery Local also offers the capability to sync data from an active MoM host at the time of cluster creation. To load the data using the MoM sync configuration, specify the following three properties in the tml_sql_properties.json:
"mom-host": "<MOM_HOST>",
"apiKey": "<MOM_API_KEY>",
"apiSecret": "<MOM_API_SECRET>",
The tml_sql_properties.json is located in the tmgc-deploy/properties/ folder.
Note: Do not place the sample in the tmgc-deploy/properties/ folder if you are loading the data using the MoM sync configuration.

Generating Deployment Scripts and Configuration

For single-zone deployment, run the following command and find generated deployment scripts and configuration in folder "manifest-single-zone":
./ manifest-single-zone.json
For multiple zone deployment, run the following command and find generated deployment scripts and configuration in folder "manifest-multi-zones":
./ manifest-multi-zones.json