Deploying a Cluster on Azure using OpenShift

  1. Login into OpenShift server. Get the login url by running the following command.
    az group deployment show --name Microsoft.Template --resource-group <ResourceGroupName> | grep ""
     az group deployment show --name
    Microsoft.Template --resource-group suneelOSFPClusterRG | grep ""
     "value": ""
    Now use the above URL to login.
     oc login <openshiftConsoleUrl> -u
    <username> --insecure-skip-tls-verify
    oc login
    -u ocpadmin --insecure-skip-tls-verify
  2. Create a new project:
    oc new-project <project name>
    oc new-project ml5-openshift
  3. Make sure you are on a newly created project by running the following command.
     oc project <project name>
    - oc project ml5-openshift
  4. Obtain the registry url created by the OpenShift deployment.
    1. Change the project to default.
      oc project default
    2. Get the routes.
      oc get routes
      Sample output.

      Make note of host corresponding to docker-registry. In the above, docker registry host will be ""

    3. Return to your project by executing step 3.