Deploying a New Cluster on Azure using Swarm

You need to have full rights in Azure portal to execute the steps such as creating Service Principal and assigning mentioned roles.

Files to modify

Follow the steps below to create a Docker swarm on Azure.
  1. Sign in to Azure. Follow the instructions for signing.
    az login
  2. Download the Docker provided containerized helper script from:
    docker pull docker4x/create-sp-azure:latest
    docker pull docker4x/create-sp-azure:latest
    latest: Pulling from docker4x/create-sp-azure
    Digest: sha256:08ca27cc5e8791e296e01f687a77f1591ae1e9d6984fc05cd7b884e85fd06c47
    Status: Image is up to date for docker4x/create-sp-azure:latest
  3. Run the following example command to create the service principal spdkrswarm is the service principal name and spswarm is the resource group name, eastusis the region.
     docker run -ti docker4x/create-sp-azure
    spdkrswarm spswarm eastus
    info:    Executing command login
    \info:    To sign in, use a web browser to open the page and enter the code BW49YRF8R to authenticate.
    -info:    Added subscription spadaval-MasheryQA-G
    info:    Setting subscription "spadaval-MasheryQA-G" as default
    info:    login command OK
    The following subscriptions were retrieved from your Azure account
    1) 1db82ccd-abfe-46ec-8ad2-7f2d8cf050d5:spadaval-MasheryQA-G
    Please select the subscription option number to use for Docker swarm resources: 1
    Using subscription 1db82ccd-abfe-46ec-8ad2-7f2d8cf050d5
    info:    Executing command account set
    info:    Setting subscription to "spadaval-MasheryQA-G" with id "1db82ccd-abfe-46ec-8ad2-7f2d8cf050d5".
    info:    Changes saved
    info:    account set command OK
    Creating AD application vanidkrswarm
    Created AD application, APP_ID=e84c4c78-5d0b-4a4a-b0bd-ca256ffb5d4d
    Creating AD App ServicePrincipal
    Created ServicePrincipal ID=07f2301e-c906-4e69-a5f5-baa3d2e9984b
    Create new Azure Resource Group vaniswarm in eastus
    info:    Executing command group create
    + Getting resource group vaniswarm                                            
    + Creating resource group vaniswarm                                           
    info:    Created resource group vaniswarm
    data:    Id:                  /subscriptions/1db82ccd-abfe-46ec-8ad2-7f2d8cf050d5/resourceGroups/vaniswarm
    data:    Name:                vaniswarm
    data:    Location:            eastus
    data:    Provisioning State:  Succeeded
    data:    Tags: null
    info:    group create command OK
    Resource Group vaniswarm created
    Waiting for account updates to complete before proceeding ...
    Creating role assignment for 07f2301e-c906-4e69-a5f5-baa3d2e9984b scoped to vaniswarm
    info:    Executing command role assignment create
    + Finding role with specified name                                            
    \data:    RoleAssignmentId     : /subscriptions/1db82ccd-abfe-46ec-8ad2-7f2d8cf050d5/resourcegroups/vaniswarm/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments/1f5ee5de-ce6e-4ce2-8f90-b8acd83ab2bf
    data:    RoleDefinitionName   : Contributor
    data:    RoleDefinitionId     : b24988ac-6180-42a0-ab88-20f7382dd24c
    data:    Scope                : /subscriptions/1db82ccd-abfe-46ec-8ad2-7f2d8cf050d5/resourcegroups/vaniswarm
    data:    Display Name         : vanidkrswarm
    data:    SignInName           : undefined
    data:    ObjectId             : 07f2301e-c906-4e69-a5f5-baa3d2e9984b
    data:    ObjectType           : ServicePrincipal
    info:    role assignment create command OK
    Successfully created role assignment for 07f2301e-c906-4e69-a5f5-baa3d2e9984b
    Test login...
    Waiting for roles to take effect ...
    info:    Executing command login
    |info:    Added subscription spadaval-MasheryQA-G                             
    info:    login command OK
    Your access credentials ==================================================
    AD ServicePrincipal App ID:       e84c4c78-5d0b-4a4a-b0bd-ca256ffb5d4d
    AD ServicePrincipal App Secret:   uVMnjHajQf6CIBquVTWMfd54P1uSW6Cf
    AD ServicePrincipal Tenant ID:    cde6fa59-abb3-4971-be01-2443c417cbda
    Resource Group Name:              vaniswarm
    Resource Group Location:          eastus
  4. Step 3 will generate the following output:
    Your access credentials ==================================================
    AD ServicePrincipal App ID:       fc1e91d4-d602-4d33-b967-23c9a703f905
    AD ServicePrincipal App Secret:   bYAX1DcyWeR1htYB19wpDI9jWeu0rTG6
    AD ServicePrincipal Tenant ID:    cde6fa59-abb3-4971-be01-2443c417cbda
    Resource Group Name:              spswarm
    Resource Group Location:          eastus
  5. Create an SSH key without any password.
    ssh-keygen -f ~/.ssh/azswarm_rsa -t rsa -N ''
  6. Store the SSH private key in the Azure key vault that was created in step 5.
    az keyvault secret set --vault-name suneelvault --name keysecret --file ~/.ssh/azswarm_rsa
      "attributes": {
        "created": "2018-11-23T03:38:54+00:00",
        "enabled": true,
        "expires": null,
        "notBefore": null,
        "recoveryLevel": "Purgeable",
        "updated": "2018-11-23T03:38:54+00:00"
      "contentType": null,
      "id": "",
      "kid": null,
      "managed": null,
      "tags": {
        "file-encoding": "utf-8"
      "value": "}
After building the Mashery Local images, copy the /var/jenkins_home/tmgc-deploy folder in the tml-installer container to the desired host from where you want to run the deployment. If your build and deployment host are the same, the following sample command will copy the tmgc-deploy folder from the container to the current working directory on the local machine. Sample command:
docker cp tml-installer:/var/jenkins_home/tmgc-deploy .
The following file is a reference deployment manifest in tml-installer container for deployment in a single zone:

Mashery Local Components Configuration

The following settings can be customized. The tml_image_tag must be updated to match your docker image build.
Variable Prefix Description
tml_cm Mashery Local Cluster Manager Component
tml_tm Mashery Local Traffic Manager Component
tml_cache Mashery Local Cache Component
tml_sql Mashery Local SQL Component
tml_log Mashery Local Log Component
tml_nosql Number of Cassandra Component
"tml_image_tag": "v5.0.0.1",

"tml_cm_count": 1,
"tml_tm_count": 1,
"tml_cache_count": 1,
"tml_sql_count": 1,
"tml_log_count": 1,
"tml_nosql_count": 1,

"tml_tm_http_enabled": "true",
"tml_tm_http_port": 80,
"tml_tm_https_enabled": "true",
"tml_tm_https_port": 443,
"tml_tm_oauth_enabled": "true",
"tml_tm_oauth_port": 8083
"cassandra_max_heap": "512M",
"cassandra_replication_factor": 1

Setting up Mashery Service Configuration Data

Mashery Local offers the option of importing service configuration data offline. A sample is provided with the TIBCO Mashery Local build that can be loaded into the database during TIBCO Mashery Local cluster creation.

To load the sample data:
  1. Copy the sample (located at tmlgcdeploy/sample_data/ into the tmgc-deploy/properties/ folder.
  2. This ensures that the data from the will be automatically loaded in the database when the TIBCO Mashery Local cluster is created.
Note: Make sure that the apiKey and apiSecret is empty in the tml_sql_properties.json in the tmgc-deploy/properties/ folder if you want to use the offline data loading feature. Default is blank.
TIBCO Mashery Local also offers the capability to sync data from an active MoM host at the time of cluster creation. To load the data using the MoM sync configuration, specify the following three properties in the tml_sql_properties.json:
"mom-host": "<MOM_HOST>",
"apiKey": "<MOM_API_KEY>",
"apiSecret": "<MOM_API_SECRET>",
The tml_sql_properties.json is located in the tmgc-deploy/properties/ folder.
Note: Do not place the sample in the tmgc-deploy/properties/ folder if you are loading the data using the MoM sync configuration.

Generating Deployment Scripts and Configuration

For single-zone deployment, run the following command and find generated deployment scripts and configuration in the folder "manifest-onprem-swarm":
./ manifest-azure-swarm.json