Prerequisites for Deployment on GCP using Kubernetes

Prerequisite for Linux

All needed tools are pre-installed in tm-installer.

Prerequisite for MacOS

The Administrator must have the following tools installed in MacOS:
  • kubectl (v1.10.2)
    curl -LO
    chmod +x kubectl
    mv kubectl /usr/local/bin
  • jq
    1. First, install brew:
      ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL" < /dev/null 2> /dev/null
    2. Then, install jq:
      brew install jq
  • GoogleCloud SDK (220.0.0)

    Install from:

GCP Account with Full Access to GCP APIs

To access GCP, APIs will require a service key and configuration for gcloud. Contact TIBCO Mashery Local Support for a service key. Once you receive this file, remove any previous kubectl.

Execute the following commands to provision the service key to GCP.
gcloud auth application-default login
gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file <Absolute path>/Mashery-Cloud-Operations-72bcca3f37f3.
Note: You can skip this if you have done this previously.

Have Local Docker Environment Ready

Docker environment is already prepared in tml-installer.

Requires native Docker or docker-machine installed on MacOS.

Docker CE - version 17.12.0 -