List Identities

[root@01294de80b3d builder]# clustermanager list identities --help
List of identities available for the cluster & zone
  clustermanager list identities [flags]
      --clusterId string   cluster ID of the component
  -h, --help               help for identities
      --zoneId string      zone ID of the component
[root@01294de80b3d builder]# clustermanager list identities
clusterId [407b6f17-e21d-439a-966f-a345ea728797] and zoneId [7821c331-2274-4a21-96b9-71212842749d]
Using cluster name [Tibco Mashery Local Reference Cluster]
Using Zone name [local]
UUID                                     Name                                     Area ID    Expiration
---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ---------- --------------------
a434bb96-be67-4676-a8aa-9c9fe6503d76     sample                                     5488       2020-03-26