Cache Container Metrics (Memcached)

The following table describes the metrics that are required for monitoring the health of the Memcached services.
  • Data field is the name of the metric in the captured data.
  • Slab stats are prefixed by sn_ where n is the slab number.
  • For more information on memcached monitoring, see
Memcached Per pool metrics
Memcached Per pool per slab metrics
Name Data Field Unit Data Type Notes Details
Pool Name pool_name N/A String Possible values counter, services, mapis, httpclientsecurity, packager, content The pool name maps to a Pool
pool pool N/A Number The port number on which the pool is listening for Memcached function calls Possible values 11211, 11212, 11213, 11214, 11215,11216 11211 = mapis, 11212 = counter, 11213 = content, 11214 = services, 11215 = packages, 11216 = httpsclientsecurity
Particular slab slab_class N/A Number For each Memcache, there could be multiple slabs, slab_class denotes which slab it is.
Process id pid N/A Number Process id of memcached services- there will be one PID per memcached pool
Up time uptime N/A Number Time since start of process - denotes how long the process has been active.
Maximum connections max_connections N/A Number Max connections allowed for this pool
Total connections total_connections N/A Number Total number of successful connections since start
Current client connections curr_connections N/A Number Number of Memcached clients connected at this point
Total GETs cmd_get N/A Number Number of times a Get request was made- includes both successful and unsuccessful
Total SETs cmd_set N/A Number Number of times a Set request was made - includes both successful and unsuccessful
Total Get hits get_hits N/A Number Number of successful GET requets
Total GET misses get_misses N/A Number Number of failed "get" requests because nothing was cached for requested key.
get hits get_hits N/A Number Number of hits for the slab - this should be > sn_cmd_set
chunk size chunk_size Bytes Number Size of item chunks.
Number of chunks in a page chunks_per_page Bytes Number Total number of chunks in a Page - This will compute as chunk_size*total_chunks = 1MB approximately.