Implementing Lifecycle Callback Handling

If you wish to have some initialization work done once and only once for each of the processors, then implement the following interface:

package com.mashery.trafficmanager.event.listener:
/*** The lifecycle callback which gets called when the processor gets loaded when installed and released*/
public interface ListenerLifeCycle {
  /*** The method is called once in the life-cycle of the processor before the     processor is deemed ready to handle requests. If the processor throws an exception, the activation is assumed to be a failure and the processor will not receive any requests @throws ListenerLifeCycleException*/
  public void onLoad(LifeCycleContext ctx) throws ListenerLifeCycleException;

 /*** The method is called once in the life-cycle of the processor before the processor is removed due. The processor will not receive any requests upon     inactivation.*/
  public void onUnLoad(LifeCycleContext ctx);

The onLoad call is made once prior to the processor handling any requests and onUnLoad call is made before the processor is decommissioned and no more requests are routed to it.

The lifecycle listener can be implemented on the Processor class or on a separate class. The annotation needs to add a reference to the lifecycle-class if the interface is implemented (see highlighted property in bold).
@ProcessorBean(enabled=true, name=””, immediate=true, lifeCycleClass=””)
public class CustomProcessor implements TrafficEventListener, ListenerLifeCycle{
  public void handleEvent(TrafficEvent event){
    //write your custom code here
  public void onLoad(LifeCycleContext ctx) throws ListenerLifeCycleException{
  public void onUnLoad(LifeCycleContext ctx){
Note: The lifeCycleClass property should point to the class implementing the Listener LifeCycle interface. This also allows having a separate lifecycle listener interface as follows (note the different lifeCycleClass name).
The following example shows a different class implementing the LifeCycle callback:
@ProcessorBean(enabled=true, name=””, immediate=true, lifeCycleClass=””)
public class CustomProcessor implements TrafficEventListener {
   public void handleEvent(TrafficEvent event){
     //write your custom code here
   public void onLoad(LifeCycleContext ctx) throws ListenerLifeCycleException{
   public void onUnLoad(LifeCycleContext ctx){
public class CustomProcessorLifeCycle implements ListenerLifeCycle{
   public void onLoad(LifeCycleContext ctx) throws ListenerLifeCycleException{
   public void onUnLoad(LifeCycleContext ctx){