Build in Jenkins

The Jenkins job build-docker for building Docker images can be accessed via the Jenkins web console:

The Jenkins job build-docker can also be started remotely via Jenkins API, for example:
curl -v -X POST http://docker_host:8080/job/build_docker/buildWithParameters \
    --data-urlencode json='{"RELEASE_VERSION":"5.0.0", \
        "BUILD_NOSQL":"true", \
        "BUILD_LOG":"true", \
        "BUILD_SQL":"true", \
        "BUILD_CACHE":"true", \
        "BUILD_TM":"true", \

Update Packages

You can upload a list of packages to be updated when Docker images are built. This is mainly to address the security vulnerabilities in third-party packages to be installed in container.

UPDATE_PACKAGES: this option allows you to upload a list of packages to be updated or you can choose to update all packages, if updates are available.

update_package_list: the following is example of the contents:

Customize Platform API

If you choose to use the Platform API (V3), you have the following two options to customize keys:
  • GENERATE_KEYS: this option will generate or replace the keys and other information for the TIBCO Mashery Local API.
  • existing_key_map: this option is used to provide the build script with an existing set of keys that were generated earlier.
To customize the domain suffix for Platform API, use the following text input:
After a successful build, the following Docker images are available:
docker images
REPOSITORY                                                    TAG                  IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
tml-cm                                                        v5.0.0.1             68b326911a77        2 hours ago         511MB
tml-tm                                                        v5.0.0.1             a93a38c331dd        2 hours ago         630MB
tml-cache                                                     v5.0.0.1             20f58738793e        2 hours ago         552MB
tml-sql                                                       v5.0.0.1             1091817ad763        2 hours ago         1.5GB
tml-log                                                       v5.0.0.1             590d05b637b7        3 hours ago         637MB
tml-nosql                                                     v5.0.0.1             b4265e78d765        3 hours ago         536MB
Docker images are available for download by clicking the job number.