API calls are returning 596
Low watermark: repeated 596 in a low interval say 1 min
High watermark: Repeated 596 for many APIs in low interval say 1min OnPrem missed 2 or more cycles in a row. OnPrem loader failure on each of the two invocations.
Check Memcache Stats, OnPremLoader and Memcache Loader Status
Possible reasons:
- Memcache is evicting because of slab fragmentation.
- Onprem loader has not successfully synced with MOM.
- Onprem loader could not update SQL DB.
- Memcache loader has not picked up updated data from SQL.
High latency in API traffic
Low watermark: SLA breached within 30 seconds for API calls
High watermark: Regular & Repeated Latency spikes Continuous prolonged high latency for a long duration of say 5 mins
Check NoSQL Stats, Memcache Stats, TM Stats
Possible reasons:
- OAuth tokens, keys validation is slow.
- Memcache retrieval is slow.
- Target System is slow to respond.
- The request is queued due to unavailability of threads on Proxy.
APU calls are returning 403
Low watermark: repeated 403 with tokens inside a 30-second interval
High watermark:prolonged 403 or regular occurrence of the low watermark
Possible reasons 403 errors are typically seen with OAuth token validation and this problem will be typically seen in a multi-zone setup due to dependency on Cassandra replicating across zones.
Continuous Monitoring- Running a pre-configured Protected / Unprotected Traffic Call for each TM every x min.
Protected Call on each TM - The call should include creating a new token, making a traffic call, deleting a token.