Creating GCP Kubernetes Cluster

To create GCP Kubernetes cluster in single zone,
In the /var/jenkins_home/docker-deploy/gcp/k8s/manifest-single-zone folder, run the following command:

What to do next

To verify the deployment of AWS Kubernetes cluster use the following command:
kubectl get nodes
An example output for reference is :
NAME                                                  STATUS    ROLES     AGE       VERSION
gke-tml-reference-cluste-default-pool-8518f90b-48pq   Ready     <none>    35s       v1.12.8-gke.10
gke-tml-reference-cluste-default-pool-8518f90b-9mfr   Ready     <none>    35s       v1.12.8-gke.10
gke-tml-reference-cluste-default-pool-8518f90b-srs3   Ready     <none>    34s       v1.12.8-gke.10

Creating Static IPs

The Traffic Manager service and Config Manager service(s) are open to external, these services are provided via Load Balancers created in Kubernetes. By default, the Load Balancers use public IPs which are not reserved; theses public IPs may change with TML cluster rebuild.

For more information on static IP, refer Configuring Domain Names with Static IP Addresses

To make Traffic Manager service and Config Manager service(s) accessible via fixed IPs, static IPs are need in TML deployment.

Run the script to create static IPs. Assign these scripts to traffic manager service and config manager service.

For example: To create TML cluster in single zone, in the /var/jenkins_home/docker-deploy/gcp/k8s/manifest-single-zone folder, run the following command:
Note: If static IPs have already been created with previous TML deployment (the same TML cluster name), these static IPs will be reused in TML cluster deployment. Sample output for reference is as below:
ERROR: (gcloud.compute.addresses.describe) Could not fetch resource:
 - The resource 'projects/mashery-cloud-operations/regions/us-central1/addresses/tm-static-ip-73be74c90c1d15d35e8fb03f57d3a140' was not found
Created [].
Static IP for tm in region:
ERROR: (gcloud.compute.addresses.describe) Could not fetch resource:
 - The resource 'projects/mashery-cloud-operations/regions/us-central1/addresses/cm-static-ip-73be74c90c1d15d35e8fb03f57d3a140-0' was not found
Created [].
Static IP for cm in zone #0: