Referring to Third-party Libraries with Dependency

You can use third party libraries for an adapters. Few third-party libraries have transitive dependencies. You have to include these dependencies in the lib folder.

Gradle supports reference to third-party libraries and then resolve the transitive dependencies.

To refer third -party dependency for an adapter sub project:


  1. Navigate to the JCenter repository ( or to the Maven central repository (
  2. Select the required library and click Gradle.
  3. Copy the dependency text.
    The dependency text will be in the form of compile 'org.apache.commons:commons-lang3:3.9
  4. Open the build.gradle file of the sub-project in a text editor.
  5. In the dependenciessection, add the dependency text of step 3.

    Note: Adding the direct dependency on jackson-bind, includes the transitive dependency for jackson-core and jackson-annotations.