Adding Translation Strings

If you have enabled multi-language support on your portal, it's important that you maintain translation strings in any of the templates that you customize. If you hard-code text into your templates, it will always show up in that language and cannot be translated.

For any text that should be translatable, pass the viewID and stringID into the portal.translate() method as arguments.

For example, here's the default template for the signin view:
portal.setTemplate('signin', function () {
    var fields = portal.getFields('signin');
    return `
        <main class="main" id="main">
            <h1>${portal.translate('signin', 'title')}</h1>
            <form id="signin-form" data-mashery="signin-form" action="">
                ${ (field) {
                    return portal.getPartial('createField', field, 'signin');
                <p class="form-actions">
                    <button class="btn btn-primary" id="signin-form-submit">${portal.translate('signin', 'submit')}</button>
            <p id="signin-recover">${portal.translate('signin', 'recover')}</p>
            <p id="signup-link">${portal.translate('signin', 'signup')}</p>
Note: This example uses template literals, which do not work in older browsers. You should use string concatenation or run your templates through a tool, such as Babel, before adding to your portal.