Customizing Mashery Local Properties

From the host where Mashery Local installer is running, run either of the following to log in to the Mashery Local installer:

docker exec -it tml-installer /bin/bash
sudo -s


docker exec -it -u root tml-installer /bin/bash

You can customize properties for the Mashery Local components as follows:

  • Cluster-level properties - These are common properties that can apply throughout the entire cluster, for example, for MySQL and MoM sync credentials. These can be customized at /var/jenkins_home/docker-deploy/properties/tml_cluster_properties.json.


    MySQL passwords

    "mysql_root_pwd": "changeme",
    "mysql_masheryonprem_pwd": "changeme",
    "mysql_mashonpremrepl_pwd": "changeme",
    "mysql_mashclient_pwd": "changeme",
    "mysql_masherybackup_pwd": "changeme",

    MoM access

    "mom_server": "",
    "mom_key": "",
    "mom_secret": ""
  • Zone-level properties - These are common properties that can apply within a zone, but not necessarily throughout the entire cluster, for example, MoM credentials. These can be customized at /var/jenkins_home/docker-deploy/properties/tml_zones_properties.json.


    The following shows the default values for the zone-level properties:

            "zone_serial": "0",
            "mom_server_proxy_host": "",
            "mom_server_proxy_port": 3128,
            "mom_server_proxy_username": "",
            "mom_server_proxy_password": "",
            "target_server_proxy_host": "",
            "target_server_proxy_port": 3128,
            "no_proxy_pool": ""
            "zone_serial": "1",
            "mom_server_proxy_host": "",
            "mom_server_proxy_port": 3128,
            "mom_server_proxy_username": "",
            "mom_server_proxy_password": "",
            "target_server_proxy_host": "",
            "target_server_proxy_port": 3128,
            "no_proxy_pool": ""
            "zone_serial": "2",
            "mom_server_proxy_host": "",
            "mom_server_proxy_port": 3128,
            "mom_server_proxy_username": "",
            "mom_server_proxy_password": "",
            "target_server_proxy_host": "",
            "target_server_proxy_port": 3128,
            "no_proxy_pool": ""

    You can set an HTTP Proxy for MoM access per zone using these properties:

    "mom_server_proxy_host": "",
    "mom_server_proxy_port": 3128,
    "mom_server_proxy_username": "",
    "mom_server_proxy_password": "",

    You can set an HTTP Proxy for accessing target servers per zone using these properties:

    "target_server_proxy_host": "",
    "target_server_proxy_port": 3128,
    "no_proxy_pool": ""

    Note that the zone is identified by zone_serial. You can tailor the property JSON according to the number of zones to which the Mashery Local cluster will be deployed. Zone properties for zones whose zone_serial is above the actual number of deployed zones, will not be used.

    For target servers covered in no_proxy_pool, Mashery Local directly calls them without going through the HTTP proxy.

    REGEX (Regular Expression) can be use in the property value.

    Example #1 (note the backslash for escaping double quotes):


    In this example, if the target server is "" or "", the HTTP proxy server will be bypassed.

    Example #2 (note the backslash for escaping double quotes):


    In this example, "back.*" is a regular expression. It matches, for example "", "", and so on.

  • Component-level properties - These are properties that apply to specific types of Mashery Local components. The following lists the files in which properties for each type of component can be customized:
    Component Properties File
    NoSQL /var/jenkins_home/docker-deploy/properties/tml_nosql_properties.json
    Log Service /var/jenkins_home/docker-deploy/properties/tml_log_properties.json
    SQL /var/jenkins_home/docker-deploy/properties/tml_sql_properties.json
    Cache /var/jenkins_home/docker-deploy/properties/tml_cache_properties.json
    Configuration Manager /var/jenkins_home/docker-deploy/properties/tml_cm_properties.json
    Traffic Manager /var/jenkins_home/docker-deploy/properties/tml_tm_properties.json

    For details about the component properties, see TIBCO Mashery Local Components.