Planning and Configuring the Mashery Local Cluster

Files to modify

After building the Mashery Local images, copy the /var/jenkins_home/docker-deploy/ folder in the tml-installer container to the host.

To copy the above folder in the current working directory, run the command as follows:
docker cp <tml-installer container id >:/var/jenkins_home/docker-deploy
Navigate to the folder /docker-deploy/pks/vsphere-k8s/ on the host.

Customizing the Mashery Local Deployment Manifest

Use manifest-single-zone.json for deploying in a single zone. You can customize the following settings:
Parameter Name Parameter Value Note
tml_cluster_name Reference TIBCO Mashery Local Cluster Single Zone This setting should be customized.
tml_cluster_mode tethered or untethered For tethered mode: specify mom_key and mom_secret in the /var/jenkins_home/docker-deploy/properties/tml_cluster_properties.json
k8s_pks_zones PKS zone where the Mashery Local cluster is to be deployed. This setting must be customized.
tml_image_tag Mashery Local Docker image tag This setting must customized to match the Docker build to be deployed. For example, the "5.2.0" is the Mashery Local release; the last "1" is the build number in Jenkins job "build_docker"
tml_image_registry_host The registry host where you pushed the Mashery Local Docker images. This setting must be customized.
tml_image_repo The registry name or the project name in harbor registry. This setting must be customized.
k8s_storage_type The Virtual disk type (default thin) provided in vCenter Config while configuring BOSH director for vSphere. This setting should be customized.
tml_tm_count Number of Traffic Manager Containers
tml_cache_count Number of Memcached Containers
tml_sql_count Number of MySQL Containers
tml_log_count Number of Log Service Containers
tml_nosql_count Number of Cassandra Containers
As per your environment, you must configure the following parameters before proceeding.
"tml_cluster_name": "Tibco Mashery Local Reference Cluster",
"tml_cluster_mode": "untethered",
"k8s_pks_zones": ["mlaz"],

"tml_image_tag": "v5.2.0.1",
"tml_image_registry_host" : "registry_host",
"tml_image_repo": "ml52-pks",
"tml_cm_count": 1,
"tml_tm_count": 1,
"tml_cache_count": 1,
"tml_sql_count": 1,
"tml_log_count": 1,
"tml_nosql_count": 1,

"k8s_storage_type": "thin",
"k8s_storage_provisioner": "",
"k8s_deploy_namespace": "default",
"tml_sql_storage_size": "10Gi",
"tml_log_storage_size": "10Gi",
"tml_nosql_storage_size": "10Gi",
"tml_cache_storage_size": "10Gi",

"tml_tm_http_enabled": "true",
"tml_tm_http_port": 80,
"tml_tm_https_enabled": "true",
"tml_tm_https_port": 443,
"tml_tm_oauth_enabled": "true",
"tml_tm_oauth_port": 8083,

"tml_api_http_enabled": "true",
"tml_api_http_port": 7080,
"tml_api_https_enabled": "true",
"tml_api_https_port": 7443,

"tml_cm_http_enabled": "true",
"tml_cm_http_port": 8080,
"tml_cm_https_enabled": "true",
"tml_cm_https_port": 8443,

"cassandra_max_heap": "512M",
"cassandra_replication_factor": 1

Generating Deployment Scripts

The following example shows how to generate deployment scripts for a single-zone deployment. In the /docker-deploy/pks/vsphere-k8s/ folder of the Mashery Local Installer, run the following command:
./ manifest-single-zone.json