Translation Strings Reference

This section contains all of the available views and string IDs, as well as their default English values.
portal.addTranslations('en', {

     * Global Strings

    // The skip navigation link (for accessibility)
    skipNav: {
        link: 'Skip to main content'

    // User navigation
    navUser: {
        applications: 'Applications',
        keys: 'Keys',
        manageAccount: 'Profile',
        logout: 'Log Out',
        signin: 'Sign In',
        register: 'Register'

    // The primary navigation menu
    navPrimary: {
        home: 'Home',
        interactiveDocs: 'Interactive documentation'

    // The footer
    footer: {
        copyright: `Copyright ${new Date().getFullYear()}. All rights reserved.`,
        'nav-privacy': 'Privacy Policy',
        'nav-terms': 'Terms of Use',
        'nav-contact': 'Contact Us'

    // The inactivity popup
    idle: {
        title: 'Still there?',
        message: 'For security, you will be automatically logged out shortly. Do you want to stay logged in?',
        time: 'seconds',
        button: 'Keep me logged in'

     * View-Specific Strings

    // The homepage
    '_index': {
        title: 'Welcome to our developer program!',
        subtitle: 'Discover the world of our APIs.',
        btnJoin: 'Join Now',
        btnExplore: 'Learn more about our APIs',
        registerAccountTitle: 'Register',
        registerAccountDesc: 'Get an access key and usage reports for your apps.',
        registerAppsTitle: 'Build an app',
        registerAppsDesc: 'Define your application behavior and register the keys it will use.',
        callTitle: 'Make a Call',
        callDesc: 'Use our interactive documentation to make a call and see how it all works.',
        supportTitle: 'Get Support',
        supportDesc: 'Ask questions and get advice by sending an email to our support team.',

    // /404
    '404': {
        title: 'Page not found',
        content: 'Sorry, the page you\'re looking for doesn\'t exist.',
        homeBtn: 'Go home'

    // /500
    '500': {
        title: '500 Internal server error',
        content: 'We are unable to process your request! Please try again later.',
        homeBtn: 'Go home'

    // /member/edit
    accountManage: {

        // Page elements
        title: 'Update profile',
        cancelBtn: 'Cancel',
        submitBtn: 'Update',
        changepasswordLabel: 'Password',
        changePasswordBtn: 'Change password',

        // Form fields
        username: 'Username',
        firstName: 'First name',
        lastName: 'Last name',
        displayName: 'Display Name',
        email: 'Email',
        password: 'New password',
        passwordDesc: 'Passwords must contain at least 8 characters and have at least 3 of the following: number, uppercase, lowercase, and special character.',
        oldPassword: 'Current password',
        uri: 'Website URL',
        phone: 'Phone Number',
        company: 'Company',
        address1: 'Address Line 1',
        address2: 'Address Line 2',
        locality: 'City',
        region: 'State, Province or Region',
        postalCode: 'Zip Code',
        countryCode: 'Country',

        // Success/error messages
        successMsg: 'All changes saved successfully!',
        errorTitle: 'Something went wrong'


    // /applications/add-apis
    appAddApis: {

        // Page elements
        title: 'Add APIs to {{applicationName}}',
        apisTitle: 'Select APIs',
        noAPIsContent: 'It looks like you don\'t have any registrable APIs to select from.',
        backBtn: 'Go back',

        // Form fields
        tos: 'I agree to the <a href="/terms-of-service">terms of service</a>.',
        submitBtn: 'Add APIs',

        // Table
        headingAPI: 'API',
        headingKey: 'Key',
        callsPerSecond: ' calls per second',
        callsPerDay: ' calls per day',
        selected: 'selected',
        registered: 'Registered on ',
        noAPIsTitle: 'You\'re all set',

        // Messages
        successMsg: '{{applicationName}} updated with new apis!',
        errorTitle: 'Something went wrong'


    // /applications/create
    appCreate: {

        // Page elements
        title: 'Create application',
        submitBtn: 'Register Application',
        callsPerSecond: ' calls per second',
        callsPerDay: ' calls per day',
        noAPIsContent: 'It looks like you don\'t have any registrable APIs to select from.',

        // Form fields
        apisTitle: 'Select APIs',
        applicationName: 'Name of your application',
        applicationNameDesc: 'You can change it later',
        summary: 'Please describe what your application will do',
        uri: 'Website',
        oauthRedirectUri: 'Register OAuth 2.0 callback URL',
        usageModel: 'How many people do you anticipate will use your application?',
        selected: 'selected',
        notes: 'Notes',
        howDidYouHear: 'How did you hear about this API?',
        tos: 'I agree to the <a href="/terms-of-service">terms of service</a>.',

        // Messages
        successMsg: '{{applicationName}} successfully registered!',
        errorTitle: 'There was an error creating your application'


    // /applications/delete
    appDelete: {
        title: 'Delete Application',
        content: 'Are you sure you want to delete {{applicationName}}? All keys associated with this application will be deactivated.',
        confirmBtn: 'Yes, delete this application',
        cancelBtn: 'No, keep this application',
        successMsg: '"{{applicationName}}" successfully deleted!',
        errorMsg: 'An error occurred while trying to delete {{applicationName}}.'

    // /applications/edit
    appEdit: {

        // Page elements
        title: 'Edit Application',
        cancelBtn: 'Cancel',
        submitBtn: 'Save',

        // Form fields
        applicationName: 'Name of your application',
        summary: 'Please describe what your application will do',
        uri: 'Website',
        oauthRedirectUri: 'Register OAuth 2.0 callback URL',
        usageModel: 'How many people do you anticipate will use your application?',
        notes: 'Notes',
        howDidYouHear: 'How did you hear about this API?',
        tos: 'I agree to the <a href="/terms-of-service">terms of service</a>.',

        // Messages
        successMsg: '{{applicationName}} successfully updated!',
        errorTitle: 'There was an error editing your application'


    // /applications/summary
    appSummary: {

        // Page elements
        title: 'API registration summary',
        infoTitle: 'Application information',
        applicationName: 'Name',
        selectedAPIsTitle: 'Selected APIs',
        backBtn: 'Back to Applications',
        addAPIsBtn: 'Add APIs',
        editAppBtn: 'Edit',
        deleteAppBtn: 'Delete',

        // Table headings
        headingAPI: 'API Plan & Package',
        headingKey: 'Key',
        headingSecret: 'Secret',
        headingStatus: 'Status',
        headingLimits: 'Key rate limits',

        // Table cells
        uri: 'Website',
        oauthRedirectUri: 'OAuth 2.0 callback URL',
        appDesc: 'Description',
        callsPerSecond: ' calls per second',
        callsPerDay: ' calls per day',


    // /applications
    apps: {

        // Regular view
        title: 'Applications',
        createBtn: 'New application',
        addAPIsBtn: 'Add APIs',
        editBtn: 'Edit',
        deleteBtn: 'Delete',
        appName: 'Name',
        registered: 'Registered on ',

        // Tables
        headingAPI: 'API',
        headingKey: 'Key',
        headingSecret: 'Secret',

        // No Apps view
        titleNoApps: 'You don\'t have any applications yet',
        createFirstBtn: 'Register a new application',


    // /contact
    contact: {
        title: 'Contact Us',
        content: '<p>Add your contact information here.</p>'

    // /interactive-documentation
    interactiveDocs: {
        title: 'API Documentation',
        apiList: 'Select an API',
        download: 'Download',
        noDocsTitle: 'No interactive documentation available yet',
        homeBtn: 'Go home'

    // /keys/delete
    keyDelete: {

        // Page elements
        title: 'Delete key',
        content: 'Are you sure you want to delete the key {{apiKey}}?  Deleting an API key that is currently in use will most probably break the application it is used in.',
        cancelBtn: 'No, keep this key',
        confirmBtn: 'Yes, delete this key',

        // Messages
        successMsg: '{{apiKey}} deleted successfully!',
        errorMsg: 'An error occurred while trying to delete {{apiKey}}. Please try again.'


    // /keys
    keys: {

        // Standard view
        title: 'Keys',
        callsPerSec: 'calls/second',
        callsPerDay: 'calls/day',
        deleteBtn: 'Delete',

        // Table headings
        headingApp: 'Application',
        headingAPI: 'API',
        headingKey: 'Key',
        headingSecret: 'Secret',
        headingStatus: 'Status',
        headingLimits: 'Key Rate limits',

        // Empty view
        noKeysTitle: 'You don\'t have any keys yet',
        getKeysBtn: 'Get API keys',


    // /lost-password
    passwordRecover: {

        // Page elements
        title: 'Recover your password',
        content: 'Enter your email or username and we\'ll send you a link to recover your password.',
        submitBtn: 'Recover',
        cancelBtn: 'Cancel',

        // Form fields
        username: 'Username',
        email: 'Email Address',

        // Messages
        errorTitle: 'Something went wrong'


    // /lost-password/submitted
    passwordRecoverSubmitted: {
        title: 'Recover your password',
        subtitle: 'Recovery request received!',
        content: 'If an account matches the username <strong>{{username}}</strong> and email <strong>{{email}}</strong>, you should receive an email with instructions on how to reset your password shortly.',
        typo: 'Made a typo? <a href="/lost-password">Try again</a>.',
        loginBtn: 'Go back to login'

    // /password/reset
    passwordReset: {
        title: 'Reset password',
        password: 'Password',
        cancelBtn: 'Cancel',
        submitBtn: 'Submit',
        errorTitle: 'There was an error resetting your password'

    // /privacy-policy
    privacyPolicy: {
        title: 'Privacy Policy',
        content: '<p>Add your privacy policy here.</p>'

    // /register
    register: {

        // Page Elements
        title: 'Register for an account',
        submitBtn: 'Register',

        // Form fields
        username: 'Username',
        usernameDesc: 'After you register your username, it can\'t be changed.',
        displayName: 'Display Name',
        displayNameDesc: 'This is the name which other users will see',
        email: 'Email address',
        emailDesc: 'We\'ll send a validation email to this address. Validation is required to complete registration.',
        password: 'Password',
        passwordDesc: 'Passwords must contain at least 8 characters and have at least 3 of the following: number, uppercase, lowercase, and special character.',
        firstName: 'First name',
        lastName: 'Last name',
        company: 'Company',
        uri: 'Website URL',
        phone: 'Phone Number',
        address1: 'Address Line 1',
        address2: 'Address Line 2',
        locality: 'City',
        region: 'State, Province or Region',
        postalCode: 'Zip Code',
        countryCode: 'Country',
        tos: 'I agree to the <a href="/terms-of-service">terms of service</a>.',

        // Messages
        errorTitle: 'Registration errors'


    // /register/confirmation
    registerConfirm: {
        title: 'Email verified!',
        signinBtn: 'Sign in',

    // /register/submitted
    registerSubmitted: {

        // Page elements
        title: 'You\'re almost there!</h1>',
        subtitle: 'Just one more step to complete your registration.',
        content: 'Please check your <strong>{{email}}</strong> email address for a link to verify your account.',
        resendMsg: 'Didn\'t get your confirmation email? Click the button below to resend it.',
        resendBtn: 'Resend Confirmation Email',

        // Messages
        successMsg: 'Confirmation email has been sent again successfully',
        errorMsg: 'You have reached the maximum number of tries.Your request cannot be proceeded further'


    // /signin
    signin: {

        // Page elements
        title: 'Sign In',
        submit: 'Sign In',
        submitActive: 'Signing In...',
        recover: ' Forgot your credentials? <a href="/lost-password">Recover your password</a> or <a href="/lost-username">recover your username</a>.',
        signup: 'Don\'t have an account? <a href="/register">Sign up</a>.',

        // Form fields
        username: 'Username',
        password: 'Password',

        // Message
        errorTitle: 'Sign in errors'


    // /signout
    signout: {
        title: 'Signed Out',
        content: 'You have successfully signed out. Come back soon!'

    // /terms
    termsOfService: {
        title: 'Terms of service',
        content: '<p>Add your terms of service.</p>'

    // /lost-username
    usernameRecover: {

        // Page elements
        title: 'Recover your username',
        content: 'Enter your email and we will send you a link to recover your username.',
        submitBtn: 'Recover',
        cancelBtn: 'Cancel',

        // Form fields
        email: 'Email address',

        // Messages
        errorTitle: 'There was an issue recovering your username'


    // /lost-username/submitted
    usernameRecoverSubmitted: {
        title: 'Recover your username',
        subtitle: 'Recovery request received!',
        content: 'If an account matches the email <strong>{{email}}</strong>, you will receive an email from us that contains the username associated with the address you entered.',
        typo: 'Made a typo? <a href="/lost-username">Try again</a>.',
        loginBtn: 'Go back to login'
