Upgrading Mashery Local

Upgrading Mashery Local is a two or a three step process, based on the orchestrator (Kubernetes, Docker Swarm, OpenShift) being used to manage the Mashery Local Cluster.
  1. Upload the images:
    • Docker Swarm and Local Kubernetes - Upload the images to each of the nodes.
    • Cloud Kubernetes and OpenShift - Upload the images to the Docker repository.
  2. Upgrade the desired components in the cluster.
  3. Reconfigure the dependent components (needed for Docker Swarm only).
    Note: This step is not needed for Kubernetes.
  • The Cloud Provider (AWSTM, GCPTM,AzureTM) or
  • On Premises using a virtualization software like Bare-MetalTM, VMwareTM, or Virtual BoxTM.

Supported Orchestrators and Hosting Environments

Mashery Local supports following orchestrators and hosting environments:
Orchestrators Hosting Environments
Kubernetes Cloud Provider:
  • AWS
  • GCP
  • Azure
Docker Swarm On Premises using virtualization software:
  • Bare-Metal
  • VMware
  • Virtual Box