Validating a Mashery Local Cluster

To validate the Mashery Local cluster deployment, run the following command:
kubectl get pods
Sample output:
NAME                             READY         STATUS    RESTARTS      AGE

cache-set-0-0                              1/1         Running       0       19m

cass-set-0-0                               1/1         Running       0       25m

cm-deploy-0-7cbb977d8f-42ww6               1/1        Running        0       24m

log-set-0-0                                1/1         Running       0       22m

mysql-set-0-0                              1/1         Running       0       21m

tm-deploy-0-66d4b9f55d-8l6xf               1/1         Running       0       19m

Testing Traffic

For PKS on VSphere with NSX-T, create a load balanced service (tm-svc) and use the external IP for testing the traffic.

To get the external IP, use the following command:
export LB=`kubectl describe service tm-svc|grep Ingress|awk -F' ' '{print $3}'` && echo $LB
curl -v -H '' http://$LB/v1/api/patient/1234/qatest/testRequestInfo.php?api_key=3bvu8u3p8k5vjxmhrs6tnd6e
Note: All traffic should go to the load balancer. TIBCO has verified in PKS on vSphere without NSX-T and used individual nodes for hitting the traffic.