Adding Multi-Language Support

With translations, you can add support for multiple languages and switch between them with a language picker. Here's how to do that.
  1. Add your translations. For example, to add support for both French and Spanish, first add translations for both of those languages.
    // Add translations for French
    portal.addTranslations('fr', {
        signin: {
            title: 'Se connecter',
            submit: 'Se connecter',
            submitActive: 'Connectez-vous...',
            // The rest of the string IDs...
        // The rest of the views...
    // Add translations for Spanish
    portal.addTranslations('es', {
        signin: {
            title: 'Registrarse',
            submit: 'Registrarse',
            submitActive: 'Iniciando sesión...',
            // The rest of the string IDs...
        // The rest of the views...
  2. Set your default language. If you want your default language to be any language other than English, use the portal.setLang() method to set it.
    // Set the default language to French
  3. Add a language picker to your HTML template to allow users to select their own language. The most common place to do this is in the header or footer.
    <label for="language-picker">Select Your Language</label>
    <select id="language-picker">
        <option id="en">English</option>
        <option id="fr">Français</option>
        <option id="es">Español</option>

    You can use the portal.getLang() method to get the current language and update the label text.

  4. Detect language changes and update the UI. Use the portal.on() method to listen for changes to the #language-picker menu.
    // Detect changes to the #language-picker menu
    portal.on('change', '#language-picker', function (event) {
        // Someone changed the language selection
    When that happens, use portal.setLang() to update the language, save the selection to localStorage for subsequent page loads, and use the portal.render() method to update the UI.
    // Detect changes to the #language-picker menu
    portal.on('change', '#language-picker', function (event) {
        // Update the language
        // Save their selection to localStorage
        // Render a new UI
  5. Override the default language on subsequent views. Users should not have to reselect their language on each page. You can get the user's selected language from localStorage, and hook into the prerender event to update the language before the UI renders.
    portal.on('prerender', '#app', function () {
        // Get the selected language from localStorage
        var lang = localStorage.getItem('portalLanguage');
        // If a language was chosen, use it
        if (lang) {