Service Configuration Data

Setting up Mashery API Data

There are two options available for setting Mashery Local API data.

  • Option 1: Using Configuration Manager

    Mashery Local offers the option of creating service configuration on your local system using Configuration Manager. For this option, set the tml_cluster_mode property to untethered in the appropriate manifest file.

  • Option 2: Synchronizing Service Configuration data from Mashery On-premise Manager (MoM)

    Mashery Local also offers the capability to synchronize data from an active MoM host at the time of cluster creation. For this option, set the tml_cluster_mode property to tethered in the appropriate manifest file.

    To load the data using the MoM configuration, specify the following properties in the /docker-deploy/properties/tml_cluster_properties file in the tml-installer.
    "mom_key": "<MOM_API_KEY>",
    "mom_secret": "<MOM_API_SECRET>"