Creating an Azure Kubernetes Cluster

Navigate to the appropriate folder, depending on whether you are deploying in a single Azure region or a single Azure VM.

  • Single Azure region - /var/jenkins_home/docker-deploy/azure/k8s/manifest-single-region
  • Single Azure VM /var/jenkins_home/docker-deploy/azure/k8s/manifest-single-host
Run the following command to create the Kubernetes cluster:
You will get a json manifest as output.

Verifying the Deployment of Azure Kubernetes cluster

To verify the deployment of the Azure Kubernetes Cluster, run the following command,
kubectl get nodes
Sample output:
NAME                       STATUS    ROLES     AGE       VERSION
aks-nodepool1-10774738-0   Ready     agent     3m        v1.12.8
aks-nodepool1-10774738-1   Ready     agent     3m        v1.12.8
aks-nodepool1-10774738-2   Ready     agent     3m        v1.12.8