Building the Docker Image

There is one Jenkins job build_docker on this tab.


Release Version

The release version, together with build number, are used to compose docker image tag.

In the screenshot, RELEASE_VERSION is "5.2.0"; on the left pane of screenshot, it shows the build "#1" has been done, so Docker images in build #1 have tag "v5.2.0.1".

TM Connectors

In Mashery Local 5.2, you can choose to build OAuth2 JWT Authenticator in the Traffic Manager container (tml-tm). For more information on using this connector, refer to OAuth2JWT Authentication Connector.
Note: If you have already uploaded a Mashery-built adapter tgz as described in the Uploading the Mashery-built Adapter section in Prebuilding, clear the oauth2-jwt- authenticator checkbox, because the Mashery-built adapter tgz will include the JWT authenticator, if needed. Failure to do so will cause adapters to be loaded incorrectly.

Choosing the Docker Images to Build

Custom admin builds Mashery Local docker images using this Jenkins job:
Jenkins Job Name Mashery Local Docker image
BUILD_DOCKER_NOSQL tml-nosql: NoSQL container
BUILD_DOCKER_LOG tml-log: Log container
BUILD_DOCKER_SQL tml-sql: SQL container
BUILD_DOCKER_CACHE tml-cache: Cache container
BUILD_DOCKER_TM tml-tm: Traffic Manager container
BUILD_DOCKER_CM tml-cm: Cluster Manager container

Updating Packages

The admininstrator can choose:
  • Update_Specified_Packages: update specified packages during build;
  • Update_All_Packages: all packages will be updated during build.

Uploads a csv file which contains the list of packages to be updated during build. This list is applied to all Docker images.

Here is an example content of csv file: