Configuration Manager

This 5.2 release of Configuration Manager is now bundled inside of the Mashery Local deployment. Configuration Manager runs and exists within the cluster itself. This means users will never need to manually download the binary and run or install it on their computer. They will also never use a to import or export configuration information. The mlconfig binary talks directly to the V3 API inside of the cluster, so data state changes are reflective of the actual state of the cluster and immediate.

To use Configuration Manager, an admininstator will login to the cluster IP address/hostname for the configuration manager at an https port with the following url format:

Note: The port is also determined by the configuration as well, and may be the standard 443 if the load balancer for the deployment is configured as such.

Once there, the user logs in and uses Configuration Manager just like any other web application, (for example, the current TIBCO Cloud Mashery Control Center dashboard).

Access to error or usage log data is available in the form of raw (mashery_proxy_v2 format) or enriched/ECLS-formatted access logs using a local API. Configuration Manager also provides the ability to monitor system operations as healthy/normal using TIBCO Mashery Local data feed. You also have the ability to build diagnostic packages to facilitate assistance from TIBCO Mashery Support.