Customer-provided Adapters and Processors

Describes how to upload adapters or processors buit by a customer.

Jenkins job "upload-customer-built-adapter" is for uploading an adapter or processor built by customers, it is accessed using the Jenkins web console:

To upload a customer-built adapter or processor:
  • Click "Browse..." to select the adapter or processor file.
  • Click "Build" to upload the adapter or processor to Jenkins server.
Note that:
  • A customer-built adapter or processor is built by a customer using the Mashery SDK.
  • A customer-built adapter or processor is a zip file.
  • The zip file is uploaded to "/var/jenkins_home/userContent/proxy-extension" in the tml-installer container.

When a Docker image for Traffic Manager is built, the customer-built adapter or processor is built into the Docker image. See the following example build output:

15:50:14 * Connected to tmgc-installer-host ( port 8080 (#0)
15:50:14 > GET /userContent/proxy-extension/ HTTP/1.1
15:50:14 > User-Agent: curl/7.29.0
15:50:14 > Host: tmgc-installer-host:8080
15:50:14 > Accept: */*
15:50:14 > 
15:50:14 [0m[91m< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
15:50:14 < Date: Sat, 17 Nov 2018 23:50:14 GMT
15:50:14 < X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
15:50:14 < Content-Security-Policy: sandbox; default-src 'none'; img-src 'self'; style-src 'self';
15:50:14 < X-WebKit-CSP: sandbox; default-src 'none'; img-src 'self'; style-src 'self';
15:50:14 < X-Content-Security-Policy: sandbox; default-src 'none'; img-src 'self'; style-src 'self';
15:50:14 < Last-Modified: Sat, 17 Nov 2018 23:42:06 GMT
15:50:14 < Expires: Sat, 17 Nov 2018 23:42:06 GMT
15:50:14 < Accept-Ranges: bytes
15:50:14 < Content-Type: application/zip
15:50:14 < Content-Length: 126649
15:50:14 < Server: Jetty(9.4.z-SNAPSHOT)
15:50:14 < 
15:50:14 { [data not shown]
100  123k  100  123k    0     0  18.9M      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 20.1M
15:50:14 * Connection #0 to host tmgc-installer-host left intact
15:50:14 [0mArchive:  /tmp/
15:50:14   inflating: /tmp/customer-bundles/Base64Adapter-1.0.jar  
15:50:14   inflating: /tmp/customer-bundles/Base64UrlAdapter-1.0.jar  
15:50:14   inflating: /tmp/customer-bundles/Base64UrlAdapter2-1.0.jar  
15:50:14   inflating: /tmp/customer-bundles/lib/codec-1.3.0.v201101211617.jar  
15:50:14   inflating: /tmp/customer-bundles/lib/codec-1.4.0.v201209201156.jar  
15:50:14 /opt/javaproxy/tools/packager /opt/javaproxy
15:50:15 Buildfile: /opt/javaproxy/tools/packager/build.xml
15:50:15 all:
15:50:15 setUp:
15:50:15     [mkdir] Created dir: /tmp/dist-repository
15:50:15     [mkdir] Created dir: /tmp/dist-repository/source
15:50:15     [mkdir] Created dir: /tmp/dist-repository/source/plugins
15:50:15     [mkdir] Created dir: /tmp/dist-repository/source/features
15:50:15     [mkdir] Created dir: /tmp/dist-repository/destination
15:50:15 packageRepository:
15:50:15      [copy] Copying 2 files to /tmp/dist-repository/source/features
15:50:15 publishRepository:
15:50:15       [zip] Building zip: /tmp/dist-repository/
15:50:15 Total time: 0 seconds
15:50:15 /opt/javaproxy
15:50:15 Archive:  /tmp/dist-repository/
15:50:15    creating: /tmp/dist-install/features/
15:50:15    creating: /tmp/dist-install/plugins/
15:50:15   inflating: /tmp/dist-install/artifacts.xml  
15:50:15   inflating: /tmp/dist-install/content.xml  
15:50:15   inflating: /tmp/dist-install/features/com.mashery.proxy.local.customer.extensions_1.0.0.201811172350.jar  
15:50:15   inflating: /tmp/dist-install/plugins/com.mashery.customer.Base64Adapter-1.0_1.0.0.201811172350.jar  
15:50:15   inflating: /tmp/dist-install/plugins/com.mashery.customer.Base64UrlAdapter-1.0_1.0.0.201811172350.jar  
15:50:15   inflating: /tmp/dist-install/plugins/com.mashery.customer.Base64UrlAdapter2-1.0_1.0.0.201811172350.jar  
15:50:15 Updating /opt/javaproxy/proxy...
15:50:16 INFO  Profile Local
15:50:16 INFO  Timestamp Sat, 17 Nov 2018 23:50:13 GMT
15:50:16 INFO  Found 1.16.0.v20181116-0033 Mashery API Server
15:50:16 INFO  Found 1.0.0 Customer Extensions
15:50:16 INFO  Found 1.59.0.v20180813-0728 Customer-specific Bundles
15:50:16 INFO  Found com.mashery.proxy.local.product 1.46.0.v20181116-2143 Mashery Proxy
15:50:16 INFO  Installing
15:50:17 INFO  Profile updated.
15:50:17 INFO  Timestamp Sat, 17 Nov 2018 23:50:17 GMT
15:50:17 INFO  Found 1.16.0.v20181116-0033 Mashery API Server
15:50:17 INFO  Found Mashery Customer Extensions
15:50:17 INFO  Found 1.59.0.v20180813-0728 Customer-specific Bundles
15:50:17 INFO  Found com.mashery.proxy.local.product 1.46.0.v20181116-2143 Mashery Proxy
15:50:17 INFO  Operation completed in 1350 ms.

Build in Jenkins

Jenkins job "build-docker" for building docker images can be accessed using the Jenkins web console:

Jenkins job "build-docker" can also be started remotely using the Jenkins API as seen in the example below:

curl -v -X POST http://docker_host:8080/job/build-docker/buildWithParameters \
    --data-urlencode json='{"RELEASE_VERSION":"5.0.0", \
        "BUILD_NOSQL":"true", \
        "BUILD_LOG":"true", \
        "BUILD_SQL":"true", \
        "BUILD_CACHE":"true", \
        "BUILD_TM":"true", \

After a successful build, the docker images are available. See the following example:

docker images
REPOSITORY             TAG                  IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
tmgc-cm                 v5.0.0.1             68b326911a77        2 hours ago         511MB
tmgc-tm                 v5.0.0.1             a93a38c331dd        2 hours ago         630MB
tmgc-cache              v5.0.0.1             20f58738793e        2 hours ago         552MB
tmgc-sql                v5.0.0.1             1091817ad763        2 hours ago         1.5GB
tmgc-log                v5.0.0.1             590d05b637b7        3 hours ago         637MB
tmgc-nosql              v5.0.0.1             b4265e78d765        3 hours ago         536MB

Docker images are downloaded by clicking the job number.

TIBCO Mashery Connectors

TIBCO Mashery Connectors are TIBCO Mashery's Cloud adapters that have been developed and provided ready to use for Cloud customers but can also be ported to Mashery Local customers. Connectors have been carefully envisioned to address common use-cases, such as: content injection, content filtering, content transformation, call authentication using third-party IDP, IP-based call filtering, domain-based routing, geo-location based routing and HTTP header manipulation.

Porting of TIBCO Mashery connectors can be performed by TIBCO Mashery for specific Mashery Local customers. Contact the TIBCO Mashery Customer Success team if you are interested to know more whether TIBCO Mashery connectors meet your business needs and how to get it.

For more information, see TIBCO Mashery Connectors.