Updating a Single String

While translation strings are useful for translating your Developer Portal into other language, they can also be used to change words or phrases in the Developer Portal from one set of English words to another.

For example, let's say you wanted to change the phrase Sign In on the signin view to Log In.

The portal.addTranslation() method allows you to specify a translation for a single string in a specific view. Pass in the view, string id, its desired value, and the lang as arguments. Optionally, also include a boolean for rtl if the language is right-to-left.
 * Add a translation for a single string
 * @param {String}  view  The view to add a translation to
 * @param {String}  id    The string ID
 * @param {String}  value The string value
 * @param {String}  lang  The language
 * @param {Boolean} rtl   If true, language is right-to-left
portal.addTranslation(view, id, value, lang, rtl);
Here's an example.
// Translate a single string
portal.addTranslation('signin', 'title', 'Log In', 'en');
Even though your translations are still in English, you will need to run the setLang() method. This is because the default language ID for the Developer Portal is actually default, and you cannot write translations to that ID.
// Set the default language