Collecting Logs

Scenario 1: To get all the logs

On the log service containers, a script is available to zip logs collected and put at output path mentioned below. Container and access logs can be collected between two dates.

OUTPUT PATH: /mnt/data
Options Possible Values Default
-c | ( --container-type) ALL or any container name (e.g. tml-log,tml-sql,tml-nosql,tml-tm,tml-cache,tml-cm) ALL
-n | (--container-hostname) ALL or any hostname for the selected container-type. It won't allow to have only hostname passed without selecting container-type. ALL
-a | (--access-log) No need to pass any value. If this param is selected then access logs would also be collected in separate file. NA
-t | (--log-type) It can be ALL,METRIC or CONTAINER ALL
-s | (--start-date) It represents the start date of the log collection. Format is yyyy_mm_dd NA
-e | (--end-date) It represents end date till what logs need to be collected. Format is yyyy_mm_dd NA
-h | (--help) NA. Would print usage details for this utility NA
For example, filenames for all the logs would be all-logs_2018_11_20_14_32.tar.gz or access-logs_2018_11_20_14_32.tar.gz or tm-log-log-set-0-0-logs_2018_11_20_14_32.tar.gz.
  1. Connect to log container.
  2. Run the following command:
  3. Download the tar file from the /mnt/data folder, which will have a name similar to "all-logs_2018_11_20_14_32.tar.gz".
  1. Connect to log container.
  2. Run the following command:
    /opt/mashery/containeragent/bin/ --container-type tml-sql
  3. Download the tar file from the /mnt/data folder, which will have a name similar to "tml-sql-ALL-logs_2018_11_20_14_32.tar.gz".
    Note: By default, access logs are not part of the above tar.
  1. Connect to log container.
  2. Run the following command:
    /opt/mashery/containeragent/bin/ --container-type tml-sql --container-hostname mysql-set-0-1
  3. Download the tar file from the /mnt/data folder, which will have a name similar to "tml-sql-mysql-set-0-1-logs_2018_11_20_14_32.tar.gz".
  4. User can also collect logs between two dates by using start-date and end-date option.
    /opt/mashery/containeragent/bin/ --container-type tml-sql --container-hostname mysql-set-0-1 --start-date 2019_08_13 --end-date 2019_08_14
    Note: By default, access logs are not part of the above tar.
  1. Connect to log container.
  2. Run the following command:
    /opt/mashery/containeragent/bin/ --log-type METRIC
  3. Download the tar file from the /mnt/data folder, which will have a name similar to "All-logs_2019_08_14_06_56.tar.gz".
  4. User can also collect logs between two dates by using start-date and end-date option.
    /opt/mashery/containeragent/bin/ --log-type METRIC
    Note: By default, access logs are not part of the above tar and only metric logs would be added to tar file.
  1. Connect to log container.
  2. Run the following command:
    /opt/mashery/containeragent/bin/ --access-log
  3. Download the tar file from the /mnt/data folder, which will have a name similar to " access-logs_2018_11_20_14_32.tar.gz".
  4. User can also collect logs between two dates by using start-date and end-date option.
    /opt/mashery/containeragent/bin/ --container-type tml-sql --start-date 2019_08_13 --end-date 2019_08_14
    Note: User cannot use the access log option with any of the above scenario for getting access logs. Either access logs or other logs can be collected, not both

You cannot select container-type as ALL and specific hostname.

Example 1:
/opt/mashery/containeragent/bin/ --container-hostname mysql-set-0-1
 ERROR: Please provide proper input. --container-hostname|-n can be given with --container-type|-c
Example 2:
/opt/mashery/containeragent/bin/ --container-type ALL --container-hostname mysql-set-0-1
ERROR: Please provide proper input. --container-hostname|-n can be given with --container-type|-c

You cannot collect both access logs and other logs together.

/opt/mashery/containeragent/bin/ -a --container-type tml-sql

ERROR: Access logs and other logs can not be collected at the same time. Only one type of logs can be collected