Enriched Access Logs

Log service generates the enriched access logs in the below format separated by ",". Currently only CSV format is supported for output enriched logs.

Field Type Description Example
api_key String api_key used in the call bt6pnhuqhwew22xy7jmw7bar
api_method_name String API method called GetCompanyDetailRequest 34
bytes number Bytes we returned in the response 6668
cache_hit number Boolean value for whether or not we responded from the cache. 1=we did, 0=we didn't 0
client_transfer_time number 0.00200
connect_time number Of the remote_total_time, how long, in seconds, it took to establish a connection. 0.001099
endpoint_name String Endpoint name at Mashery for which the call is made Endpoint API 2
http_method String HTTP request method (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, HEAD) GET
http_status_code String Three-digit HTTP response code we returned 200
http_version String HTTP version (1.1 or 1.0) HTTP/1.1
oauth_access_token String Detected access token (on OAuth 2.0 protected resources).
package_name String Package name for which api_key is used TestPackage
package_uuid String Unique identifier for the package 58c0b3cb-268e-4e92-bd08-1e38da4e1ac9
plan_name String Plan Name for the endpoint Test plan
plan_uuid String Unique identifier for the plan 87116295-d119-41c0-88ba-da409ba2d760
pre_transfer_time Number Of the remote total_time, how long, in seconds, it took AFTER establishing a connection BEFORE we received the first byte. 0.001099
qps_throttle_value String throttle_value
quota_value Number quota_value
referrer String Referring URL for the call, if any app:/MarketMeSuite.swf
remote_total_time Number Elapsed time, in seconds, the backend call took. 0.03747
request_host_name String Name of the host that took the call xyz.abc.com
request_id String Mashery Internal ID for this request 1306282895.4215_bt6pnhuqhwew22xy7jmw7bar_x84p868ucwkkvxwwtc7uzw5h
request_time Number Epoch microtime the request was received 1306282895.4215
request_uuid String Global unique identifier (GUID) of the call 26e2fa2d-3e63-4ec8-8aaa-fb4643e601cf
response_string String Response String having status and corresponding message 200 OK (API)
service_definition_endpoint_uuid String Unique identifier for the Service Endpoints b6p4dgvhy2gjygcuvpqu6ekr
service_id String Spkey kj94huqt2jqcz3qg7dvrsnmn
service_name String Name of service testService
src_ip String Originating IP address of the call
  1. 151.240.64
ssl_enabled Number Flag indicating whether or not SSL is enabled for the connection from the Traffic Manager to the Customer API true
total_request_exec_time Number Elapsed time, in seconds, from the moment we got the request at the proxy worker to the moment we sent a response. 0.745138884
traffic_manager String Proxy worker that handled the request ML5Test
traffic_manager_error_code String Internal error code for WHY we may have bounced the request. If '-', we didn't block the request from the endpoint. ERR_403_DEVELOPER_INACTIVE
uri String Path+query string portion of the request /TestAPI-34
user_agent String Application that made the request curl/7.54.0

Location of Enriched Access Logs


Sample output with headers

api_key,api_method_name,bytes,cache_hit,client_transfer_time,connect_time,endpoint_name,http_method,http_status_code,http_version,oauth_access_token,package_name,package_uuid,plan_name,plan_uuid,pre_transfer_time,qps_throttle_value,quota_value,referrer,remote_total_time,request_host_name,request_id,request_time,request_uuid,response_string,service_definition_endpoint_uuid,service_id,service_name,src_ip,ssl_enabled,total_request_exec_time,traffic_manager,traffic_manager_error_code,uri,user_agentsample,-,25,0,0.000,0.202,-,GET,200,HTTP/1.1,-,SamplePack,eebf7d77-53ed-43b2-bdbc-4d32270a6f57,SamplePackplanA,fc865c5f-2d78-4bc4-a0eb-ed8240e26557,0.001,1,1,-,0.211,1542643298.014_sample_gzbytfhwbxv393dectxdz8es,1542643298.014,e7ef2b0f-8a32-4fd2-a0bd-85bb155c5d9e,200OK (API),-,gzbytfhwbxv393dectxdz8es,-,,0,16.388,tm-deploy-0-5d5d885577-xsg5m,-,/SampleAPI?api_key=sample,curl/7.29.0