HTTP Proxy Support

The TIBCO Mashery Local installer can be run from behind an HTTP proxy server.

The example provided below uses the following addresses:

  • HTTP proxy host:
  • TIBCO Mashery Local installer Docker host:

To run the Mashery Local installer from behind an HTTP proxy, an Administrator must set up the HTTP proxy in the Docker host, as well as in the Mashery Local installer, as described below.

Set up an HTTP Proxy in the Docker Host

This involves setting up the HTTP proxy at the operating system level, as well as in the Docker service.

  • HTTP Proxy Settings on operating system Level - On Linux, set up the HTTP proxy in the /etc/environment file. The following is an example:
    no_proxy=", localhost"
  • HTTP Proxy Settings for the Docker service - This varies from one Linux distribution to another. The following are HTTP proxy settings for a Docker Service on CentOS 7:
    1. Create folder /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d.
    2. Create an http-proxy.conf file in the folder created in step 1 and add the following content (this is using an example IP address):
      Environment="HTTP_PROXY=" "NO_PROXY=localhost,,10.250.1.*"
    3. Restart the Docker service.

Set up an HTTP Proxy in the Mashery Local Installer

After the Mashery Local installer distribution package is extracted, set up the HTTP proxy settings in the tml-installer.env file. The following is an example:

# HOST_IP is the IP of docker host, loopback address does not work
# http proxy, i.e.
# https proxy, it is usually the same as HTTP_PROXY
# no proxy, i.e., localhost
no_proxy=, localhost