Onprem Loader

The Onprem Loader is a program that syncs with TIBCO Cloud Mashery and loads data into the on-premises database in Mashery Local. The sync process syncs the following SQL data:
  • Developer classes
  • Packages
  • Services
  • HttpsClientSecurity
The following diagram describes the components for scheduling Onprem Loader jobs to storing data objects to the database.

The cron jobs execute the Onprem Loader script periodically. A full sync happens every 1 hour; a partial sync happens every 15 minutes.

For information on monitoring the Onprem Loader, see Onprem Loader Monitoring.

Customizing the Sync Interval

To customize the sync interval for the Onprem Loader to synchronize data between Mashery Local area and the MOM area, change the default values in the following properties of tml_sql_properties.json:

  • service_sync_interval_minutes: 15: Service configurations to be synced with Cloud as per this interval. Value entered should be valid minutes. Default value is 15 minutes.
  • developer_sync_interval_minutes: 15: Developer configurations to be synced with Cloud as per this interval. Value entered should be valid minutes. Default value is 15 minutes.