FAQ and Troubleshooting

Question / Issue Answer
User interface Save or Cancel does not respond. Check if the server is running on the port that is used in the browser URL. The server must be running at the configured Configuration Manager hostname /admin.
How do I create multiple endpoints with the same path but different HTTP methods?

The business rule is: No two endpoints can have the same domain, path and method combination. But at creation time, the methods cannot be manipulated. So the workaround is to create an endpoint with a different path, change the methods and then revert the path for the endpoint.

The workaround to create multiple endpoints with the same path but with different HTTP methods is provided below, and uses the following two example endpoints with these details:
  • Endpoint 1 - http://api.example.com/hello (Method: Get, Post)
  • Endpoint 2 - http://api.example.com/hello (Method: Put, Delete)
  1. Navigate to Home > API Definitions.
  2. Create New API Definition.
  3. Enter name 'sample api' and save the API Definition.
  4. Navigate to Endpoints.
  5. Click New.
  6. Enter the following details for Endpoint 1:
    1. Name: EP1
    2. Published EP Domain: api.example.com
    3. Published EP Path: /hello
    4. Origin EP Domain IP/Address: localhost
    5. Origin EP Path: /hello
  7. Click Save.
  8. Navigate to Home > API Definitions > sample api > Endpoints.
  9. Create second endpoint with the following details:
    1. Name: EP2
    2. Published EP Domain: api.example.com
    3. Published EP Path: /hello_temp
    4. Origin EP Domain IP/Address: localhost
    5. Origin EP Path: /hello
    Note: Note that the Published EP Path is /hello_temp. This is temporary.
  10. Save the details for Endpoint 2.
  11. Navigate to Protocol and Authentication tab in the sidebar for EP2.
  12. Select check boxes for Put and Delete and unselect boxes for Get and Post.
  13. Save the changes.
  14. Navigate back to Endpoint Settings tab for EP2.
  15. Change the path from /hello_temp to /hello.
  16. Save the details.
This will give you two endpoints with same path but different methods.
How are out of the box HTTP Client Profiles set up?

How do I pick a Profile in Configuration Manager?

The cluster admin must configure the identity and stores using the clustermanager CLI. Once they are added via that tool, the identities and trusts should show up in the admin UI immediately and be able to be mapped to newly-created HTTPS Client Profiles that can then be used for endpoints.
What types or certificates are available and when are they used?
How does the Mashery Local admin set up identity and trust profiles?

The Cluster Manager commands to create Truststore and Identity are documented in the Cluster Manager CLI topic.

The API designer can choose to make the endpoint secure using HTTPS. When a client (for example, a browser) makes a request for a secure endpoint, the Traffic Manager forwards the request to the internal backend endpoint.

The backend can be one-way authenticated or can expect the client (Traffic Manager in this case) to perform mutual authentication.

This can be done in two ways:
  1. One-way authenticated backend endpoint.

    In this case, the backend's CA cert will be compared against the known Truststore.

  2. Mutual authentication scenario performs the server validation, that point #1 covers, but also expects the client to be authenticated by the server.