Update Identity

[root@01294de80b3d builder]# clustermanager set identity help
Error: required flag(s) "file", "password", "uuid" not set
  clustermanager set identity [flags]
  identity, idty
      --file string        identity file to upload, P12 / JKS type
  -h, --help               help for identity
      --password string    password for the identity file
      --uuid string        unique ID for the existing identity that needs update
      --verifyHostname     required for mutual SSL. If set to true, hostname inside client and server identity & trust files should be same. 'verifyHostname=false' if the flag is empty
required flag(s) "file", "password", "uuid" not set
[root@01294de80b3d builder]# clustermanager set idty --file sample.p12 --password password --uuid a434bb96-be67-4676-a8aa-9c9fe6503d76
Updating an identity for the topology
Successfully updated identity for the topology