Validating a Mashery Local Cluster

To verify the Swarm and Mashery Local cluster:
  1. Run the following command to check if the correct number of containers have been created. If the number of NoSQL containers is greater than 1, then one will be created as seed node and remaining as nonseed.
    docker service ls
    Sample output:

  2. You can also get the placement of containers node-wise by running the following command.
    docker node ps $(docker node ls -q) --filter desired-state=Running | uniq
    Sample output:

  3. To examine the current state of the cluster, go the Cluster Manager container. Make note of the node where the Cluster Manager is deployed. You can open another terminal and configure Docker client to talk to that node. If tml-cm container is deployed on node-1, then open a new terminal and run below commands in sequence.
    1. eval "$(docker-machine env node-1)"
    2. docker ps
    3. docker exec -it <cm container id> /bin/bash
    4. You will see the list of commands you can execute within the container. Here is a common set of commands you may want to use:
1. [root@51ffa1197313 builder]# alias cm=clustermanager
2. [root@51ffa1197313 builder]# cm ls clusters
Cluster ID                            Cluster Name       
------------------------------------- --------------------
b353e255-4ea6-4403-af2d-2c5e72ccc2f4  Tibco Mashery Loc...
3. [root@51ffa1197313 builder]# cm use cluster b353e255-4ea6-4403-af2d-2c5e72ccc2f4
Using cluster [Tibco Mashery Local Reference Cluster]
4. [root@51ffa1197313 builder]# cm ls zones
Using cluster [Tibco Mashery Local Reference Cluster]
Zone ID                               Zone Name          
------------------------------------- --------------------
c70f8e9f-d65d-44b7-8569-2523fd66998d  local              
5. [root@51ffa1197313 builder]# cm use zone c70f8e9f-d65d-44b7-8569-2523fd66998d
Using cluster [Tibco Mashery Local Reference Cluster]
Using Zone [local]
6. [root@51ffa1197313 builder]# cm ls components
Using cluster [Tibco Mashery Local Reference Cluster]
Using Zone [local]
Component ID                          Type            Name      Status      Last Heartbeat Received      Host        Service Port(s)            
------------------------------------- --------------- ------ ----------- ----------------------------  ------------ ---------------------------
65686417-60a7-46b0-8195-8a57a7ff61e1  cache           cache    ACTIVE      Mar 12 2020 08:59:09 +0000     11212,11211,11213,11214,11215,11216
1dee1137-6e96-4aad-a110-7a3ee6934717  configmanager   cm       ACTIVE      Mar 12 2020 08:59:25 +0000      8080                      
92445f5c-a540-45c7-adbb-9a50475a36bb  logservice      log      ACTIVE      Mar 12 2020 08:59:30 +0000      24224                     
f598a428-d846-46e8-9e46-10944cbc31e6  nosql           nosql    ACTIVE      Mar 12 2020 08:59:09 +0000      9042                      
be83b246-5ea6-4559-80c8-b185313cad47  sql             sql      ACTIVE      Mar 12 2020 08:59:34 +0000     3306                      
c5da4ef1-2531-430b-b832-a9617d3bd6a5  trafficmanager  tm       ACTIVE      Mar 12 2020 08:59:28 +0000     8080