Exporting Logs to Different Output Channels

The Log Service writes logs to a mounted persistent volume and are available at /mnt/data.

Other than the default file destination, the Log Service can forward logs to Kafka, Database, Forward, Elasticsearch, HTTP endpoint, TCP socket, and SYSLOG server port. To forward to these destinations, use one of the recipes below and follow these steps:
  1. Edit <path-to-installer-directory>/tmgc-deploy/aws/k8s/properties/tml_log_properties.json
  2. Ensure that the hosts for any of the destinations are reachable via the network and that the required ports are not blocked for access.
  3. Follow installation steps.

Properties for different output channels

The main property that needs to be set is the output channel marked by td_agent_output_channelType, td_agent_metric_output_channelType, and td_agent_container_output_channelType.

The accepted values are DEFAULT, DATABASE, FORWARD, ELASTICSEARCH, HTTP, KAFKA, TCP, and SYSLOG. The values are case-sensitive.
  • These properties are defined in a JSON format and all JSON validation rules apply.
  • All required values have to be provided, for example, even if destinations are using default ports, those have to be provided per recipe.
  • All values must be set before starting the deployment.