One-Way HTTPS Client Configuration

To create a one-way HTTPS client configuration:

Note: The following procedure is illustrated on a Kubernetes system.
  1. Log in to the CLI container.
    kubectlexec-it cm-deploy-0-76ffbdbb6b-jjb44envCOLUMNS=$COLUMNS LINES=$LINES
  2. In the command line interface, input the scope of operation as below:
    [root@cm-deploy-0-76ffbdbb6b-jjb44 builder]# clustermanager ls clusters
    Cluster ID                            Cluster Name
    ------------------------------------- --------------------
    6b08d0e3-637e-4e18-b628-2b934db0abfc  Tibco Mashery Loc...
    [root@cm-deploy-0-76ffbdbb6b-jjb44 builder]# clustermanager use cluster 6b08d0e3-637e-4e18-b628-2b934db0abfc
    Using cluster [Tibco Mashery Local Reference Cluster]
    [root@cm-deploy-0-76ffbdbb6b-jjb44 builder]# clustermanager ls zones
    Using cluster [Tibco Mashery Local Reference Cluster]
    Zone ID                               Zone Name
    ------------------------------------- --------------------
    0f7c76d8-feb6-4d65-8dd9-532e43fe7eef  local
    [root@cm-deploy-0-76ffbdbb6b-jjb44 builder]# clustermanager use zone 0f7c76d8-feb6-4d65-8dd9-532e43fe7eef
    Using cluster [Tibco Mashery Local Reference Cluster]
    Using Zone [local]
  3. Upload the trust certificate.
    1. Copy the trust certificate file to the CLI container.
      admin-MBP15:properties admin$ kubectl get pods
      NAME                              READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
      cache-deploy-0-577f7d5c7b-42pfn   1/1       Running   0          47m
      cass-set-0-0                      1/1       Running   0          48m
      cm-deploy-0-76ffbdbb6b-jjb44      1/1       Running   0          47m
      log-set-0-0                       1/1       Running   0          47m
      mysql-set-0-0                     1/1       Running   0          47m
      tm-deploy-0-5b584758bb-9m6cn      1/1       Running   0          47m
      admin-MBP15:properties admin$ kubectl cp ~/Downloads/samplecert.cer cm-deploy-0-76ffbdbb6b-jjb44:/usr/local/bin/
    2. Upload the trust certificate as shown:
      [root@cm-deploy-0-76ffbdbb6b-jjb44 builder]# clustermanager create certificate --file /usr/local/bin/samplecert.cer
      Creating certificate for cluster ID 6b08d0e3-637e-4e18-b628-2b934db0abfc and zone ID 0f7c76d8-feb6-4d65-8dd9-532e43fe7eef
      Successfully created certificate for cluster ID 6b08d0e3-637e-4e18-b628-2b934db0abfc of zone ID 0f7c76d8-feb6-4d65-8dd9-532e43fe7eef
    3. For tethered mode, update the trust as shown:
      [root@cm-deploy-0-76ffbdbb6b-jjb44 builder]# clustermanager set certificate --uuid cb4d2bc2-f863-440b-1001-1d11369404d8 --file /usr/local/bin/samplecert.cer
      Updating certificate for cluster ID 6b08d0e3-637e-4e18-b628-2b934db0abfc and zone ID 0f7c76d8-feb6-4d65-8dd9-532e43fe7eef
      Successfully updated certificate for cluster ID 6b08d0e3-637e-4e18-b628-2b934db0abfc of zone ID 0f7c76d8-feb6-4d65-8dd9-532e43fe7eef
  4. Open the Configuration Manager and sign in. Create the new configuration.