Log Service

What's Inside

  • td-agent/fluentd


  • Log Producer Service
  • Log Consumer Service

Resource Dependencies

  • Log Consumers
  • Registry Binding

Configuration Properties

Name Default Value Comments
api_key Only needed for "Tethered" setup.
api_secret Only needed for "Tethered" setup.
td_agent_output_channelType DEFAULT (always enabled) Set this property if you need to send access logs to other destinations. Accepted values are DEFAULT, FORWARD, ELASTICSEARCH, KAFKA, HTTP and TCP. Changing to anything other than DEFAULT requires additional properties:
Property Name / Default Value
  • td_agent_out_forward_host / NULL
  • td_agent_out_elasticsearch_host / NULL
  • td_agent_out_elasticsearch_port / NULL
  • td_agent_out_elasticsearch_index / $ {TAG}
  • td_agent_out_http_URI / NULL
  • td_agent_out_kafka_brokers / NULL
  • td_agent_out_kafka_topic / ${TAG}
  • td_agent_out_tcp_host / NULL
  • td_agent_out_tcp_port / NULL
mom_host https://api-mom.mashery.com Only needed for "Tethered" setup.