Service Configuration Data

Setting up Mashery API Data

There are two options available for setting Mashery Local API data.

  • Option 1: Using Configuration Manager

    Mashery Local offers the option of creating service configuration on your local system using Configuration Manager. For this option, set the tml_cluster_mode property to untethered in the appropriate manifest file.

  • Option 2: Synchronizing Service Configuration data from Mashery On-premise Manager (MoM)

    Mashery Local also offers the capability to synchronize data from an active MoM host at the time of cluster creation. For this option, set the tml_cluster_mode property to tethered in the appropriate manifest file.

    To load the data using the MoM configuration, specify the following properties in the /docker-deploy/properties/tml_cluster_properties file in the tml-installer.
    "mom_key": "<MOM_API_KEY>",
    "mom_secret": "<MOM_API_SECRET>"

Log into the Mashery Local Installer

From the host where the Mashery Local installer is running, run one of the following commands to log into the Mashery Local installer:

docker exec -it tml-installer /bin/bash
sudo -s


docker exec -it -u root tml-installer /bin/bash

Create Static IPs

The Traffic Manager service and Configuration Manager service(s) are open to external access. These services are provided via Load Balancers. By default, the Load Balancer uses public IPs that are not reserved; theses public IPs may be changed when the Mashery Local cluster is rebuilt.

To make the Traffic Manager and Configuration Manager service(s) accessible via fixed IPs, static IPs are needed in the Mashery Local deployment.

For more information, see:

An Administrator can run a script to create static IPs and assign them to the Traffic Manager and Configuration Manager service. To do this, from the folder that contains your manifest, run the following command:


If static IPs have already been created with a previous Mashery Local deployment (with the same Mashery Local cluster name), those static IPs will be reused in Mashery Local cluster deployment.

If an Administrator has already created static IPs, and plans to manually assign them to the Traffic Manager service and Configuration Manager service, the Administrator must edit the following deployment files, located in the folder containing the manifest, as shown in the following table:

Deployment file Original line Updated line
tm-svc.yml #loadBalancerIP: "" loadBalancerIP: ""
cm-svc-0.yml #loadBalancerIP: "" loadBalancerIP: ""

where "" is the assigned static IP address.

Note that each line in the .yml files has two leading spaces.

Customers can update the DNS to associate host names with the created static IP addresses.