Creating Docker Images

Run the Jenkins job build_docker to create the Docker Images required for deployment.

Note: You should verify the sizes of the images that are created. They should be approximately the following sizes after creation:
  • tml-nosql - 733MB
  • tml-log - 971MB
  • tml-sql - 2GB
  • tml-cache - 740MB
  • tml-tm - 822MB
  • tml-cm - 1.09GB
Parameter Name Parameter Value
RELEASE_VERSION The release version for the TIBCO Mashery Local. For example, "5.3.0".
RELEASE_SUFFIX The suffix used in conjunction with the release version. For example, GA, HF1 (for Hotfix 1), and so on.
oauth2-jwt-authenticator Selected connectors will be built into Traffic Manager container
BUILD_DOCKER_NOSQL Build Cassandra docker images
BUILD_DOCKER_LOG Build log service docker images
BUILD_DOCKER_SQL Build MySQL docker image
BUILD_DOCKER_CACHE Build cache docker image
BUILD_DOCKER_TM Build Traffic Manager docker image
BUILD_DOCKER_CM Build Cluster Manager docker image
UPDATE_PACKAGES Allows to update specific package or all packages when docker images are built.
update_package_list Allows user to upload a csv file which contains the list of packages to be updated.
VERIFY_DOCKER_IMAGE Optional verify docker image checkbox, if enabled verifies the docker images during image build job