Mashery Local Component Configuration

The following settings can be customized.
  • tml_image_tag: Docker image tag in the form of v5.2.0.<build no>. Example : v5.2.0.10

  • tml_image_registry_host: The Docker registry where Mashery Local images were pushed.

  • tml_image_repo: Mashery Local image repo. Default is tml.

Variable Prefix Description
tml_cm Cluster Manager Component
tml_tm Traffic Manager Component
tml_cache Cache Component
tml_sql SQL Component
tml_log Log Component
tml_nosql NoSQL (Cassandra) Component
Sample manifest file
"tml_cluster_name": "Tibco Mashery Local Reference Cluster",
"tml_cluster_mode": "untethered",
"tml_zones": ["local"],

"tml_image_tag": "v5.2.0.1",
"tml_image_registry_host" : "",
"tml_image_repo": "tml",
"tml_cm_count": 1,
"tml_tm_count": 1,
"tml_cache_count": 1,
"tml_sql_count": 1,
"tml_log_count": 1,
"tml_nosql_count": 1,

"tml_tm_http_enabled": "true",
"tml_tm_http_port": 80,
"tml_tm_https_enabled": "true",
"tml_tm_https_port": 443,
"tml_tm_oauth_enabled": "true",
"tml_tm_oauth_port": 8083,

"tml_api_http_enabled": "true",
"tml_api_http_port": 7080,
"tml_api_https_enabled": "true",
"tml_api_https_port": 7443,

"tml_cm_http_enabled": "true",
"tml_cm_http_port": 8080,
"tml_cm_https_enabled": "true",
"tml_cm_https_port": 8443,

"cassandra_max_heap": "512M",
"cassandra_replication_factor": 1
Note: In Docker Swarm deployments, cache instances are limited to 1. Therefore, tml_cache_count should not be set to a value greater than 1 in Docker Swarm deployments.